Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
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Empire 1.3 帝國 1.3
Great Britain
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12-lber Foot Artillery
12-lber Foot Artillery
Rate 評分: 10 ratings 個評分
Good unit 強力推薦
Views 查看: 25005
Class 兵種 Artillery Recruitable regions 招募地區 Worldwide
Men 兵員數 24 Required technology 招募需求科技 Canister Shot
Guns 火炮數 4 Turns to build 招募回合 1
Firepower 火力 27 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 400 Abilities 兵種能力
  • Slow-moving
  • Can hide in woodland
Technology abilities 科技增強能力
  • gabionade
Accuracy 準確度 45
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 30
Ammo. 彈藥數
Melee Attack 格鬥
Charge Bonus 衝鋒
Defence 防禦
Morale 士氣 3
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 840
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 210
Unit Description 兵種描述
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12-lber Foot Artillery Despite the name, foot artillery batteries are towed by horses, not men. The artillerymen march alongside their pieces. All guns are smoothbore, and rated by the size or weight of solid projectile that they fire: a 12-pounder is so called because it hurls a cannonball weighing 12 pounds towards the enemy! It may not do so very accurately, as the casting of barrels and balls means that there is inevitably a gap (windage) between a shot and the barrel sides. This means that a cannonball rattles down the barrel when fired, leading to an inherent inaccuracy. As technology advances, other types of ammunition can be fired.

Historically, there was limited standardisation between guns, even in the same battery. Parts from one gun would not always fit a sister piece. A gunner would know the quirks of his own weapon intimately. Cunningly, the French attempted to develop a system of interchangeable components for all their guns and field equipment. Jean Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval (1715-1789), the inspector of artillery, tried but he wasn’t entirely successful. Even after he had finished there were still more than 20 different types of wheel in use!

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Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Building level
1 Military Governor's Encampment government_minor 2 0
Moving an army into an encampment well away from civilians is a useful thing to do. Soldiers no longer have easy access to the “demon drink” for a start!
2 Military Governor's Barracks government_minor 3 0
Barracks provide more than simple housing blocks for regular military forces. The buildings also serve to remind the local people who is in charge.
3 Royal Palace government_minor 4 0
The residence of a sovereign should inspire awe and dread in equal measure, overwhelming lesser men by its magnificence.
4 Ordnance Factory ordnance 1 0
An ordnance factory is a large-scale enterprise dedicated to the design and manufacture of guns and their associated equipment for the army and navy.
5 Great Arsenal ordnance 2 0
A great arsenal is a government-owned factory, intended to manage the manufacturing and development of long guns and all the paraphernalia needed.
6 Gunnery School ordnance 3 0
A practical education in the arts of gunnery and the uses of firepower can be a very useful thing for an officer of artillery.
7 Ordnance Board ordnance 4 0
This council of state is charged with looking after all matters relating to the production and use of artillery.
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