Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
Home 首頁 / Empire 1.3 帝國 1.3 / Great Britain / Brig
Empire 1.3 帝國 1.3
Great Britain
Units List 兵種單位
29. Guards
41. Sepoys
57. Brig
58. Brig
59. Sloop
60. Sloop
64. Razee
69. Galley
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Class 兵種 Brig Recruitable regions 招募地區 Worldwide
Men 兵員數 78 Required technology 招募需求科技
Guns 火炮數 25 Turns to build 招募回合 1
Firepower 火力 76 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 500
Accuracy 準確度 60
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 7
Ammo. 彈藥數
Hull Strength 船體強度 1258
Speed 速度 21
Maneuver. 操作性 High
Morale 士氣
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 700
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 170
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Brig The term “brig” is a contraction of “brigantine” (an earlier sailing ship design), although the two types do not have the same rigging. A brigantine carries fore-and-aft sails, while a brig is square-rigged; this explains why the brig was favoured, for square rigging requires far fewer skilled hands to sail the vessel. The term “brig” could also include many rigging sets, including the strangely named “hermaphrodite brig”, which had a square-rigged forward mast and schooner-rigged aft (main) mast.

All brigs, in the hands of a good captain, are handy little ships, and can virtually turn in their own length. This manoeuvrability partly makes up for the light armament, usually no more than a couple of cannon – and those no larger than 12-lbers. The development of carronades (short-barrelled, short-range, large-bore weapons) added to a brig’s firepower.

Historically, the fledgling United States Navy used brigs, particularly on the Great Lakes. USN brigs also put up a brave account of themselves against the Barbary Pirates.

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Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Building level
1 Fishing Fleet port-fish 1 0
A deep sea fishing fleet can bring in a larger catch than inshore boats. Most of the catch has to be salted or pickled for return to port.
2 Major Fishery port-fish 2 0
A major fishery is a complex network of workshops and small industries, all providing the equipment needed for large scale fishing.
3 Shipyard port-navy 0 1
A shipwright needs somewhere to build ships, even if this is only a slipway and a timber yard – but any piece of firm foreshore will do for smaller vessels!
4 Dockyard port-navy 1 1
A dockyard can carry out major shipbuilding work, and usually includes a large number of associated artisans and tradesmen from coopers to victuallers.
5 Drydock port-navy 2 1
A dry dock is a large brick or stone basin with a set of watertight gates. Once a ship has floated in, the lock gates are shut and the dock drained.
6 Naval Hospital port-navy 3 2
A naval hospital gives high quality cares to the sick and wounded. A sailor who finds himself looked after here can count himself lucky!
7 Steam Drydock port-navy 3 1
A steam drydock is a magnificent achievement of an industrializing nation: a manufactory for ships without equal!
8 Trading Port port-trade 0 0
Shipping goods of any kind by land is difficult and expensive. Any item that has to travel more than a few miles goes by ship wherever possible.
9 Commercial Port port-trade 1 0
Adding warehouses additional docks and even the services of the excisemen to a port increases the amount of trade that can be done. Now cargoes can be consolidated and shipped onwards.
10 Commercial Basin port-trade 2 0
With the addition of exchanges, shipping agents, customs houses, even more warehouses and even more docks, a basin becomes an economic powerhouse.
11 Global Trading Company port-trade 3 0
A massive enterprise controlling a nation’s trade to one part of the globe, or in certain commodities.
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