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Empire 1.3 帝國 1.3
Great Britain
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Native American Musketeers
Native American Musketeers
Rate 評分: 28 ratings 個評分
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Views 查看: 25852
Class 兵種 Irregulars Recruitable regions 招募地區 The Colonies
Men 兵員數 180 Required technology 招募需求科技
Guns 火炮數 Turns to build 招募回合 1
Firepower 火力 Unit limit 數量限制 0
Range 射程 70 Abilities 兵種能力
  • Can skirmish
  • Can Guard
  • Can hide in woodland
  • Can hide in light scrub
  • Can hide in long grass
  • Can hide in buildings
  • Remains hidden whilst walking
  • Paths seldom trod
  • Grappling Hooks
  • Resistant to heat fatigue
Technology abilities 科技增強能力
  • fire_volley
Accuracy 準確度 30
Reloading Skill 裝彈技巧 10
Ammo. 彈藥數 5
Melee Attack 格鬥 6
Charge Bonus 衝鋒 4
Defence 防禦 2
Morale 士氣 5
Recruit. Cost 招募費用 520
Upkeep Cost 維持費用 200
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Native American Musketeers A musket is a status symbol among the tribes, even though it is not as useful in a fight as an old-fashioned and reliable bow. It is, however, a mark of personal bravery that a warrior has taken one in battle, or been considered worthy enough to have been given one of the precious weapons. These men are the most irregular of forces, unwilling to take formal army discipline, yet willing to fight like men possessed when the need arises.

In the early days of European settlement, the Native Americans were happy to work with the various foreign powers that colonized America, even forming alliances against their neighbours and other Europeans. The tribes soon became involved in trade, fought wars because of the allegiances they forged, and were forced into new alliances as old tribal enemies took up with Europeans.

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Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Building level
1 Magistrate government 0 0
The magistrate is, for common people, the government made flesh. There may be a monarch or president on the coinage, but it is the magistrate’s pronouncements that really matter!
2 Governor's Residence government 1 0
As a province grows, the central government appoints its own governor with greater powers, rather than relying on the services of a member of the local, minor gentry.
3 Governor's Mansion government 2 0
In an absolute monarchy, the monarch’s person is the wellspring of all authority. Lackeys – no matter how mighty – serve at the monarch’s pleasure and need take no account of the locals!
4 Magistrate government_minor 0 0
The magistrate is, for common people, the government made flesh. There may be a monarch or president on the coinage, but it is the magistrate’s pronouncements that really matter!
5 Governor's Residence government_minor 1 0
As a province grows, the central government appoints its own governor with greater powers, rather than relying on the services of a member of the local, minor gentry.
6 Governor's Mansion government_minor 2 0
In an absolute monarchy, the monarch’s person is the wellspring of all authority. Lackeys – no matter how mighty – serve at the monarch’s pleasure and need take no account of the locals!
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