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HomeHome / Total War: Attila / Eastern Rebels / Buildings / Sheep Flock
Sheep Flock Eastern RebelsEastern Rebels Agriculture Level 2

Sheep Flock

A source of meat and warmth on freezing desert nights.

Herding is one of the original forms of basic agriculture that was disseminated around the Mediterranean in the Neolithic age. Populations that practiced herding obtained everything from food to furniture from the animals they owned, so were not tied to the land and could move freely in search of new grazing. This enabled a population to sustain itself in arid conditions unsuitable to cultivation, as well as making it resilient to climatic changes that might be devastating to a settled culture. The same mobility made herding populations famously difficult to control, especially as the habitual raids on the livestock of others led to the development of fearsome combat skills.


Agriculture Level 0
Wheat Fields
Wheat Fields
Agriculture Level 1
Wheat Farm
Wheat Farm
Agriculture Level 2
Wheat Querns
Wheat Querns
Agriculture Level 3
Camel Herd
Camel Herd
Agriculture Level 1
Camel Farm
Camel Farm
Agriculture Level 2
Camel Ranch
Camel Ranch
Agriculture Level 3
Horse Breeder
Horse Breeder
Agriculture Level 1
Agriculture Level 2
Nisean Stables
Nisean Stables
Agriculture Level 3
Sheep Flock
Sheep Flock
Agriculture Level 1
Sheep Pens
Sheep Pens
Agriculture Level 2
Sheep Barn
Sheep Barn
Agriculture Level 3
Sheep Flock

Building Name

Sheep Flock

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



Wealth: 450 from animal husbandry (building_to_building_own)
Additional wealth: +60 from animal husbandry per local fertility level (building_to_building_own)
Food: +30 from animal husbandry (region_to_region_own)
Additional food: +5 per local fertility level (region_to_region_own)
Public order: -1 (province_to_province_own)
Squalor: +1 (region_to_region_own)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units