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HomeHome / Total War: Attila / Vandalic Separatists / Buildings / Small City
Small City Vandalic SeparatistsVandalic Separatists City Level 3

Small City

A respectable, growing hub of industrious endeavour.

Roman and Greek historians often described the barbarian tribes as wandering people who lived for the hunt and knew little of farming and construction. However, nothing could be further from the truth; many remains have been discovered that show barbarians were far more civilised than previously thought. A number of structures have been discovered that show that so-called 'barbarians' had a firm grasp of building techniques and were able to construct solid homes and defences, many of which have survived for thousands of years.


Ruined City
Ruined City
City Level 0
City Level 1
Small City
Small City
City Level 2
City Level 3
Large City
Large City
City Level 4
Small City

Building Name

Small City

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology

Land Laws
Land Laws


Road Development: 4 (region_to_region_own)
Wealth: 400 from subsistence (building_to_building_own)
Food consumption: -35 (region_to_region_own)
Growth: +4 (province_to_province_own)
Public order: +3 (province_to_province_own)
Squalor: +1 (region_to_region_own)
Settlement has basic walls. (region_to_region_own)
Number of picks a defender can make when choosing wall-mounted artillery in pre-battle. Used as region bonuses. (region_to_region_own)

Provides Garrison Army

160 Elite Germanic Archers
160 Elite Germanic Archers
160 Elite Germanic Archers
Elite Germanic Archers
Missile Infantry
160 Germanic Archers
160 Germanic Archers
160 Germanic Archers
Germanic Archers
Missile Infantry
160 Germanic Band
Germanic Band
Melee Infantry
160 Germanic Bows
160 Germanic Bows
160 Germanic Bows
Germanic Bows
Missile Infantry
160 Germanic Brigands
Germanic Brigands
Missile Infantry
160 Germanic Hunters
160 Germanic Hunters
160 Germanic Hunters
Germanic Hunters
Missile Infantry
160 Germanic Levy
160 Germanic Levy
Germanic Levy
Spear Infantry
80 Germanic Mounted Brigands
Germanic Mounted Brigands
Missile Cavalry
80 Germanic Night Raiders
Germanic Night Raiders
Missile Cavalry
80 Germanic Raiders
Germanic Raiders
Missile Cavalry
160 Germanic Warband
Germanic Warband
Melee Infantry
4 Bastion Onager
4 Bastion Onager
Bastion Onager
Siege Artillery

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Germanic Levy
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (att_ger_germanic_levy)
Germanic Levy
German tribespeople, called to battle in times of war.
160 300 220 24 32 24 39 18 78 34
160 Germanic Pikes
Melee Infantry / Pike Infantry / (att_ger_germanic_pikes)
Germanic Pikes
A wall of pikes is an excellent defence, but is difficult to manoeuvre.
160 210 160 16 11 21 37 8 80 34
40 Sarmatian Spears
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (att_ger_sarmatian_spears)
Sarmatian Spears
Standing shoulder to shoulder, these warriors provide protection from cavalry.
40 325 250 22 25 27 32 45 95 36