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HomeHome / Total War: Attila / African Rebels (The Last Roman) / Buildings / Celtic Barrows
Celtic Barrows African Rebels (The Last Roman)African Rebels (The Last Roman) Religion Level 4

Celtic Barrows

They sleep beneath the earth until the gods have need of them.

Burial customs amongst the barbarian tribes of Europe varied greatly depending on the culture, date and location concerned, from cremation to the use of barrows and other grave mounds. Barrows were large mounds of earth or stones piled over the remains of the dead as an alternative to a dug grave. Many barrows date back to the late Neolithic period but there are more recent examples, including the famous Sutton Hoo find in Suffolk, England, which contained many elaborate grave goods. Some parallels can be drawn between the northern barbarian barrows and the tumulus mounds favoured by the Huns and the other steppe nomads.


Holy Grounds
Holy Grounds
Religion Level 0
Symbol Stones
Symbol Stones
Religion Level 1
Celtic Burial Site
Celtic Burial Site
Religion Level 2
Celtic Barrows
Celtic Barrows
Religion Level 3
Sacred Well
Sacred Well
Religion Level 1
Sacred Marsh
Sacred Marsh
Religion Level 2
Sacrificial Grounds
Sacrificial Grounds
Religion Level 3
Celtic Barrows

Building Name

Celtic Barrows

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource

Require Technology

Tax Reforms
Tax Reforms


Religious influence: +2 Celtic paganism (region_to_region_own)
Religious osmosis: +1 Celtic paganism (province_to_province_own)
Sanitation: +3 to all regions in this province (province_to_region_own)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units