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HomeHome / Total War: Attila / Septimania / Buildings / Imperial Cult Basilica
Imperial Cult Basilica SeptimaniaSeptimania Religion Level 4

Imperial Cult Basilica

Glory to the Emperor, divine and victorious!

Before the advent of Christianity as the Empire's official religion, the Romans held a pantheon of gods. Although they were all understood to have once been human, no living man was worshipped as divine. As the Republic waned and began to assume the trappings of Empire, however, the cult of Imperial divinity began to rise. Claiming divine birthright, Caesar fostered the cult of the 'Divine Emperor', which only grew stronger during the illustrious reign of Augustus. Monuments and deistic images of the Emperors persisted as a manifestation of this extreme cult of personality, and they allowed it to remain as a propaganda device. The cult itself persisted as an official religion until Theodosius I made Christianity the state religion, at which point the cult and the 'old' gods of Rome were officially abandoned.


Consecrated Ground
Consecrated Ground
Religion Level 0
Sacred Shrine
Sacred Shrine
Religion Level 1
Temple Precinct
Temple Precinct
Religion Level 2
Imperial Cult Basilica
Imperial Cult Basilica
Religion Level 3
Basilica of Hermes
Basilica of Hermes
Religion Level 3
Basilica of Isis
Basilica of Isis
Religion Level 3
Religion Level 3
Basilica of Sol Invictus
Basilica of Sol Invictus
Religion Level 3
Imperial Cult Basilica

Building Name

Imperial Cult Basilica

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource

Require Technology

State Construction Programme
State Construction Programme


Enables agent recruitment: Priests (province_to_province_own)
Maximum amount of active Priests increased by +1 (factionwide)
Food consumption: -125 (region_to_region_own)
Public order: +10 (province_to_province_own)
Religious influence: +8 Roman paganism (region_to_region_own)
Religious osmosis: +1 Roman paganism (province_to_province_own)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units