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HomeHome / Total War: Attila / Caucasian Separatists / Buildings / Column of the Divine
Column of the Divine Caucasian SeparatistsCaucasian Separatists Religion Level 3

Column of the Divine

The gods' glorious victory, towering skywards.

Erected in the villa of Caesar's Augustus's wife, Livia Drusilla - later known as Julia Augusta - wife of Caesar Augustus, the Augustus of Prima Porta ran contrary to the Emperor's desire to not be praised as divine. At first glance, the statue provides an atypical depiction of Imperial grandeur, of that of a victorious general orating. However, in the statue Augustus is barefoot, a nuance typically reserved for gods and heroes. The Cupid at his feet also makes reference to the Caesar's claim to be descended from Venus (Cupid is Venus' son). The detailed breastplate also depicts a celebration of Augustus for his success as a diplomat as well as a warrior. The statue stands as an important icon for the Imperial Cult, venerating Augustus as divine.


Statue of the Divine
Statue of the Divine
Religion Level 0
Sculpture of the Divine
Sculpture of the Divine
Religion Level 1
Column of the Divine
Column of the Divine
Religion Level 2
Altar of the Di Superi
Altar of the Di Superi
Religion Level 3
Column of the Divine

Building Name

Column of the Divine

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource

Require Technology

Social Ethics
Social Ethics


Religious influence: +3 Roman paganism (region_to_region_own)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units