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Equipment Law KartliKartli Military Tier 3

Equipment Law

"A hundred drahms from the man without a sword!"

Before the reforms of Khosrow I, equipment was generally provided by the soldiers themselves. As the Sassanid standing army was drawn mainly from the upper aristocracy, money was no object and equipping horse and rider was simple. With Khosrow's military shakeup, however, things changed. With the newly emerged lower nobility, the Dekhan, now able to enlist, their equipment and training was provided by the central government. The Shahanshah enforced 'equipment lists' when mustering to ensure all soldiers were correctly geared. Armaments were also made and stored during peacetime in arsenals, ready for immediate distribution when hostilities commenced. In this way, an army was created that was capable of deploying faster and fighting longer on multiple fronts. When the Shahanshah did call his satraps to war, men would rally from all corners of the empire, each bringing their regional individualities. Over time, a level of regimentation emerged, with a standardisation emerging of heavy armour for nobility, but with caveats for archery. The numerous light horse archers, in the Parthian style, became more organised with standardised armour and bows. The individual style of regional forces remained, but the organisation of the Sassanid war machine greatly improved.

Equipment Law

Node Set

Military Tier 3






Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
Ammunition: +5% (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Requires Technologies Forced ConscriptionForced Conscription
Enables Technologies Battle DrillsBattle Drills Regimentation of EquipmentRegimentation of Equipment
Enables Units Upgrade Desert PikesDesert Pikes Cost 106 Upgrade To Tanukhid PikesTanukhid Pikes
Enables Buildings ArmourerArmourer