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Makran Makran Technologies


No. Technology research_points cost_per_round Requires Effects Enables
1 Kataphractoi Military Tier 1
There is no such thing as "too much" when armour is involved.
0 0 Forced Conscription Cavalry Corral Training Grounds Levy Camp
2 Forced Conscription Military Tier 2
Forced Conscription
"You're in the army now."
0 0 Kataphractoi
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
Cavalry Recruitment Reforms Equipment Law Persian Military Legacy Infantry Quarters Levy Centre
3 Military Aristocracy Military Tier 11
Military Aristocracy
Only those of noble birth have the strength to lead.
0 0 Military Settlement State-Funded Supplies
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
Military Port Royal Stables Royal Barracks
4 Combined Force Tactics Military Tier 11
Combined Force Tactics
Archers hiding amongst heavy cavalry are no easy prey.
0 0 Advanced Archery Training Military Settlement Standardised Remuneration
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
    Fatigue rate: -20% (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Charge bonus training: +10% for cavalry recruits (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Universal Combat Training
5 Secret Supply Conduits Military Tier 11
Secret Supply Conduits
The cities may fall to flame and steel, but never to the ignobility of starvation and pestilence.
0 0 Official Inspections
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
    Attrition: -30% when under siege (all forces)
    Siege holdout time: +1 (double for city-ports) (faction_to_general_own)
    Ammunition: +25% during siege defence battles (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
New Supply System & Armament Stores
6 New Supply System & Armament Stores Military Tier 12
New Supply System & Armament Stores
History teaches us that you can never have too many swords.
0 0 Secret Supply Conduits State-Funded Supplies
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
    Ammunition: +10% for artillery (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Foreign Siege Methods Universal Combat Training Royal Armoury Royal Weaponsmith Siege Workshop
7 Universal Combat Training Military Tier 13
Universal Combat Training
"A top secret project, designed to create the perfect soldier…"
0 0 Combined Force Tactics New Supply System & Armament Stores
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
    Unit experience: +1 for all recruits (faction_to_province_own_unseen)
    Integrity: +1 (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
The Military Code
8 Mercenary Contracts Military Tier 13
Mercenary Contracts
"I don't care who you are. You fight for us now."
0 0 Standardised Remuneration
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
    Upkeep cost: -25% for mercenary units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
9 Foreign Siege Methods Military Tier 13
Foreign Siege Methods
The higher a wall, the more determined one should be to get to the other side.
0 0 New Supply System & Armament Stores
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Replenishment: +3% (all forces)
    Missile attack rate: +10 for siege units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Enables construction of heavy siege engines (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Attrition: -30% when laying siege (all forces)
    Enemy siege holdout time: -1 (double for city-ports) (faction_to_general_own)
10 The Military Code Military Tier 14
The Military Code
They live and die by the code. The code is law.
0 0 Universal Combat Training
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Upkeep cost: -5% for all units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Recruitment capacity: +1 (faction_to_province_own_unseen)
    Unit experience +1 experience for azedan units (faction_to_province_own_unseen)
    Recruitment cost: -33% for Sassanid Immortal units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Recruitment capacity: +1 when hording. (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
11 Equipment Law Military Tier 3
Equipment Law
"A hundred drahms from the man without a sword!"
0 0 Forced Conscription
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Ammunition: +5% (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Battle Drills Regimentation of Equipment Armourer Blacksmith Carpenter
12 Cavalry Recruitment Reforms Military Tier 3
Cavalry Recruitment Reforms
If a man can ride, who cares where he found the horse?
0 0 Forced Conscription
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Recruitment cost: -10% for cavalry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Iron Tax Parthian Mounted Tactics
13 Iron Tax Military Tier 4
Iron Tax
Greatness in arms must be paid for.
0 0 Cavalry Recruitment Reforms
    Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
    Upkeep cost: -2% for all units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Land Grants
14 Battle Drills Military Tier 5
Battle Drills
How an armed mob becomes a fighting unit.
0 0 Equipment Law
    Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (all forces)
    Unit experience +2 experience for levy units (faction_to_province_own_unseen)
Official Inspections
15 Persian Military Legacy Military Tier 5
Persian Military Legacy
Loyalty to the Shahanshah, above all else.
0 0 Forced Conscription
    Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (all forces)
Parthian Mounted Tactics Military Wharf Azadan Barracks Militia Encampment
16 Land Grants Military Tier 6
Land Grants
A field to fight, another to live.
0 0 Iron Tax
    Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (all forces)
    Recruitment cost: -10% for infantry units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Standardised Remuneration
17 Regimentation of Equipment Military Tier 6
Regimentation of Equipment
Armed and armoured to kill as one.
0 0 Equipment Law
    Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (all forces)
    Ammunition: +10% for missile infantry (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
State-Funded Supplies War Elephant Husbandry Carpentry Workshop
18 Parthian Mounted Tactics Military Tier 7
Parthian Mounted Tactics
"Like the Parthians, fly, and kill with a retreating eye."
0 0 Cavalry Recruitment Reforms Persian Military Legacy
    Campaign movement range: +10% for armies (all forces)
    Battle movement speed: +5% (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Advanced Archery Training War Elephant Husbandry
19 Advanced Archery Training Military Tier 8
Advanced Archery Training
"Our arrows will blot out the sun."
0 0 Parthian Mounted Tactics
    Recruitment capacity: +1 (all forces)
    Missile damage: +10% (faction_to_army_own_unseen)
Combined Force Tactics Standardised Remuneration
20 Official Inspections Military Tier 8
Official Inspections
Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty.
0 0 Battle Drills
    Recruitment capacity: +1 (all forces)
    Enables construction of medium siege engines (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
    Unit experience +1 experience for non-levy infantry units (faction_to_province_own_unseen)
Secret Supply Conduits
21 War Elephant Husbandry Military Tier 8
War Elephant Husbandry
Battle-hardened, one careful owner, all its own tusks…
0 0 Parthian Mounted Tactics Regimentation of Equipment
    Recruitment capacity: +1 (all forces)
Military Settlement Azadan Compound
22 Standardised Remuneration Military Tier 9
Standardised Remuneration
"Differences in pay are bad for morale. And for my coffers."
0 0 Advanced Archery Training Land Grants
    Recruitment capacity: +1 (all forces)
    Upkeep cost: -5% for all units (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Combined Force Tactics Mercenary Contracts
23 State-Funded Supplies Military Tier 9
State-Funded Supplies
From the hands of the King of Kings, to you.
0 0 Regimentation of Equipment
    Recruitment capacity: +1 (all forces)
    Ammunition: +10% for missile cavalry (faction_to_force_own_unseen)
Military Aristocracy New Supply System & Armament Stores Armoury Weaponsmith
24 Military Settlement Military Tier 10
Military Settlement
"I who keep you, teach you, feed you. In return you will fight at my behest."
0 0 War Elephant Husbandry
    Recruitment capacity: +1 (all forces)
Combined Force Tactics Military Aristocracy Infantry Barracks Militia Compound