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Perennial Agriculture Eastern RebelsEastern Rebels Civil Tier 11

Perennial Agriculture

The crops must grow, even in the dry season.

Basic irrigation systems were widespread in the ancient world because they were simple to maintain. Perennial irrigation was rarer, and required longer canal systems, a method of storage, and better maintenance to ensure that silt and salt build-up was kept in check. In Mesopotamia, the river system was able to supply water to the surrounding arable land in the dry season through a system of canals, closed off by dykes and sluice gates. Water was stored in reservoirs, either natural or man-made, and then lifted into the irrigation channels. While this was a labour-intensive task, the results of such toil were remarkable and hugely beneficial to harvests in the area.

Perennial Agriculture

Node Set

Civil Tier 11






Tax rate: +5% (factionwide)
Public order: +1 from bureaucratic reforms (all provinces)
Wealth: +5% from agricultural and animal husbandry buildings (faction_to_region_own_unseen)
Requires Technologies Agricultural IntensificationAgricultural Intensification
Enables Technologies Duty of ConquestDuty of Conquest Royal WorkshopsRoyal Workshops
Enables Buildings Camel RanchCamel Ranch
Fur MarketFur Market
Olive Oil MillOlive Oil Mill
Fruit DryerFruit Dryer