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Regional Traditions Western Roman RebelsWestern Roman Rebels Civil Tier 3

Regional Traditions

People respond well to the observance of tradition's rituals.

Traditionally, votive offerings were deposited somewhere sacred in order to gain the gods’ favour or invoke the dead to carry out a curse or threat. Since the majority of pagan religions were concerned with the worship of the spirits of the earth, casting the offering into water or burying it at a sacred site seemed a perfectly natural thing to do. Upon their conversion to Christianity many people simply adapted elements of pagan worship to their new faith. As such, votive objects, many of them gold and other precious substances, were gifted to the Church in order to secure the favour of the one God, or possibly as an act of political expediency once Christianity spread throughout the ancient world.

Regional Traditions

Node Set

Civil Tier 3






Growth: +2 (all provinces)
Growth: +1 (faction_to_province_own_unseen)
Requires Technologies Unified LawUnified Law
Enables Technologies Specialised CraftsmenSpecialised Craftsmen Tributary ServantsTributary Servants
Enables Buildings Wheat FarmWheat Farm
Stone CutterStone Cutter
Sheep PensSheep Pens