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Military Standardisation Roman Expedition (The Last Roman)Roman Expedition (The Last Roman) Military Tier 5

Military Standardisation

A streamlined, efficient army is generally a victorious one.

The Roman military changed many of its organisational and logistical systems during late antiquity. For the first time since the early Republic, an annual conscription was placed on the populace, as well as a doubling of the number of armies (though with dramatically less men in each one). The increased drafting of tribal warriors into the military also meant a better template for Imperial military operations was required. During the late period of the Roman Empire, and therefore among the barbarian kingdoms that followed it, a standardisation of equipment and weaponry took place by using factories to mass-produce the required items. Inevitably, this meant a gradual reduction in quality of the items produced - something which reduced the army's effectiveness, along with less-rigorous training and drill.

Military Standardisation

Node Set

Military Tier 5






Recruitment cost: -5% (all forces)
Requires Technologies Functional SpecialisationFunctional Specialisation
Enables Technologies Imperial Transport ServiceImperial Transport Service
Enables Units Upgrade CohorsCohors Cost 100 Upgrade To LegioLegio
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