HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Hernici (Rise of the Republic) / Household / Household Members & Objects
Hernici (Rise of the Republic) Hernici (Rise of the Republic) Household

Household Members & Objects

No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
1 Barbarian Pirate Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_barbarian_pirate)
Barbarian Pirate
He couldn't make it as a bandit.
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
2 Christian Priest Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_christian_priest)
Christian Priest
This man always turns the other cheek.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
3 Crisis Manager Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_crisis_manager)
Crisis Manager
If there's a crisis that requires management, he's your man.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
4 Ex-Slum Lord Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_ex_slum_lord)
Ex-Slum Lord
Out of work following the demolition of the slums, this one seeks adventure and, hopefully, a fortune.
True False True False +1 authority (this_general)
5 Merchant Adventurer Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_merchant_adventurer)
Merchant Adventurer
"A gold piece and a sword: carry both to see business done!"
True False True False +5% wealth from all commerce (local province)
6 Parthian Merchant Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_trader_parthia)
Parthian Merchant
When gold flows like a river, everyone wants to buy a bucket.
True False True False +5% wealth from all commerce (local province)
7 Cuirass of the Moon People Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_armour_cuirass_moon)
Cuirass of the Moon People
Few armourers can match the cunning of the Moon People.
False True False False +5% champion action chance-of-success (this_agent)
8 Leper Disguise Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_leper)
Leper Disguise
No one searches a leper. Ever.
True False True False +10% chance of critical success in all actions (this_agent)
9 Vestal Disguise Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_vestal)
Vestal Disguise
"Virgins are off this evening. I'm a eunuch!"
True False True False +10% chance of critical success in all actions (this_agent)
10 Dacian Falx Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_falx)
Dacian Falx
"Nasty thing: bloody sharp too!"
True False True False +10% champion action chance-of-success (this_agent)
11 Weighted Practice Shield Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_shield_practice)
Weighted Practice Shield
"It keeps me strong, and ready for trouble!"
True False True False +5% champion action chance-of-success (this_agent)
12 Local Bandit Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_local_bandit)
Local Bandit
"Long live the, er, revolution... or something."
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
13 Fortune Teller Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magician)
Fortune Teller
"The veil is lifting. I see… golden coinage, flowing like a river…"
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
14 Eastern Magus Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magus_east)
Eastern Magus
"Look into the flames. See what is to come, what is now, what was..."
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
15 Witch Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_1_medical)
"Slap that poultice on. And yes, it's supposed to smell like that!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
16 Wise Woman Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_3_advisor)
Wise Woman
"It is unwise to question wisdom, youngling!"
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
17 Celtic Witch Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_4_celt)
Celtic Witch
"By the Moon I curse thee, by the Sun I curse thee! Be cursed and die!"
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
18 Witch Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_5_killer)
"Weak as a woman's magic? No. Wicked as a woman's magic!"
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
19 Wise Woman Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_6_fake)
Wise Woman
"Two things must ye know of the wise woman..."
False True False False -1 authority (this_agent)
+1 cunning (this_agent)
20 Heal-all Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_heal_all)
"I did not say you would like it, only that you would get better!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
21 Herbalist Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_herbalist)
"I know it tastes horrible. But it'll stop the fever in its tracks."
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
22 Dancer Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_dancer)
Flexibility has many charms.
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
23 Skilled Courtesan Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_skilled)
Skilled Courtesan
Irresistible, lovely, and with just a hint of danger.
True False True False +2 cunning (this_agent)
24 Mistress Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_tart)
A man with insatiable appetites must have them, er, sated.
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
25 Pet Bear Champion / (r2_sp_anc_all_pet_bear)
Pet Bear
"Do not get too close. He doesn't like your smell."
True False True False +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_agent)
26 Golden Arm Ring Champion / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_bracelet)
Golden Arm Ring
"My lord gave me this. I give him my sword."
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
27 Chainmail Shirt Champion / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_chainmail_shirt)
Chainmail Shirt
"Go on, stab me - bet you can't."
True False True False +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_agent)
28 Drinking Horn Champion / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_drinking_horn)
Drinking Horn
"With each gulp I take in the strength of the bull!"
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
29 Drinking Goblet Champion / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_skull_cup)
Drinking Goblet
"Be grateful. It's not your skull!"
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
30 Solar Wheel Amulet Champion / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_solar_wheel_amulet)
Solar Wheel Amulet
Death in life is his ideal, because life is like a wheel.
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
31 Priest of Taranis Champion / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_religion_taranis)
Priest of Taranis
"Do not wake the Thunderer with grovelling. He respects strength!"
True False True False +5% charge bonus for all chariot units (this_general_force)
No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
32 Barbarian Pirate Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_barbarian_pirate)
Barbarian Pirate
He couldn't make it as a bandit.
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
33 Christian Priest Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_christian_priest)
Christian Priest
This man always turns the other cheek.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
34 Crisis Manager Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_crisis_manager)
Crisis Manager
If there's a crisis that requires management, he's your man.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
35 Ex-Slum Lord Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_ex_slum_lord)
Ex-Slum Lord
Out of work following the demolition of the slums, this one seeks adventure and, hopefully, a fortune.
True False True False +1 authority (this_general)
36 Goldsmith Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_goldsmith)
"Gold is gold. But pretty trinkets, now…"
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
37 Translator Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_translator_polite)
"Why can't they just speak like normal people? Eh?"
True False True False +10% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
38 Leper Disguise Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_leper)
Leper Disguise
No one searches a leper. Ever.
True False True False +10% chance of critical success in all actions (this_agent)
39 Vestal Disguise Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_vestal)
Vestal Disguise
"Virgins are off this evening. I'm a eunuch!"
True False True False +10% chance of critical success in all actions (this_agent)
40 Local Bandit Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_local_bandit)
Local Bandit
"Long live the, er, revolution... or something."
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
41 Fortune Teller Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magician)
Fortune Teller
"The veil is lifting. I see… golden coinage, flowing like a river…"
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
42 Eastern Magus Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magus_east)
Eastern Magus
"Look into the flames. See what is to come, what is now, what was..."
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
43 Witch Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_1_medical)
"Slap that poultice on. And yes, it's supposed to smell like that!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
44 Wise Woman Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_3_advisor)
Wise Woman
"It is unwise to question wisdom, youngling!"
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
45 Celtic Witch Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_4_celt)
Celtic Witch
"By the Moon I curse thee, by the Sun I curse thee! Be cursed and die!"
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
46 Witch Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_5_killer)
"Weak as a woman's magic? No. Wicked as a woman's magic!"
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
47 Wise Woman Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_6_fake)
Wise Woman
"Two things must ye know of the wise woman..."
False True False False -1 authority (this_agent)
+1 cunning (this_agent)
48 Heal-all Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_heal_all)
"I did not say you would like it, only that you would get better!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
49 Herbalist Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_herbalist)
"I know it tastes horrible. But it'll stop the fever in its tracks."
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
50 Dancer Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_dancer)
Flexibility has many charms.
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
51 Skilled Courtesan Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_skilled)
Skilled Courtesan
Irresistible, lovely, and with just a hint of danger.
True False True False +2 cunning (this_agent)
52 Mistress Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_tart)
A man with insatiable appetites must have them, er, sated.
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
53 Poisoner Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_all_spy_poisoner)
The cruel host lets his dinner guests worry about the fish course.
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
54 Outlander-educated Weakling Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_govt_scribe)
Outlander-educated Weakling
"I can read and write the words of the soft, city people."
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
55 Greek Playwright Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_playwright_1)
Greek Playwright
"Greek is the language of drama and culture, you stupid bugger."
True False True False +1 Hellenic cultural influence (factionwide)
+5% research rate (factionwide)
56 Latin Playwright Dignitary / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_playwright_2)
Latin Playwright
"I'm telling you now… these peculiar squiggles are the future."
True False True False +1 Latin cultural influence (factionwide)
+5% research rate (factionwide)
No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
57 Barbarian Pirate Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_barbarian_pirate)
Barbarian Pirate
He couldn't make it as a bandit.
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
58 Christian Priest Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_christian_priest)
Christian Priest
This man always turns the other cheek.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
59 Crisis Manager Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_crisis_manager)
Crisis Manager
If there's a crisis that requires management, he's your man.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
60 Ex-Slum Lord Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_ex_slum_lord)
Ex-Slum Lord
Out of work following the demolition of the slums, this one seeks adventure and, hopefully, a fortune.
True False True False +1 authority (this_general)
61 Leper Disguise Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_leper)
Leper Disguise
No one searches a leper. Ever.
True False True False +10% chance of critical success in all actions (this_agent)
62 Vestal Disguise Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_disguise_vestal)
Vestal Disguise
"Virgins are off this evening. I'm a eunuch!"
True False True False +10% chance of critical success in all actions (this_agent)
63 Local Bandit Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_local_bandit)
Local Bandit
"Long live the, er, revolution... or something."
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
64 Fortune Teller Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magician)
Fortune Teller
"The veil is lifting. I see… golden coinage, flowing like a river…"
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
65 Eastern Magus Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magus_east)
Eastern Magus
"Look into the flames. See what is to come, what is now, what was..."
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
66 Witch Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_1_medical)
"Slap that poultice on. And yes, it's supposed to smell like that!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
67 Wise Woman Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_3_advisor)
Wise Woman
"It is unwise to question wisdom, youngling!"
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
68 Celtic Witch Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_4_celt)
Celtic Witch
"By the Moon I curse thee, by the Sun I curse thee! Be cursed and die!"
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
69 Witch Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_5_killer)
"Weak as a woman's magic? No. Wicked as a woman's magic!"
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
70 Wise Woman Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_witch_6_fake)
Wise Woman
"Two things must ye know of the wise woman..."
False True False False -1 authority (this_agent)
+1 cunning (this_agent)
71 Heal-all Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_heal_all)
"I did not say you would like it, only that you would get better!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
72 Herbalist Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_herbalist)
"I know it tastes horrible. But it'll stop the fever in its tracks."
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
73 Dancer Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_dancer)
Flexibility has many charms.
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
74 Skilled Courtesan Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_skilled)
Skilled Courtesan
Irresistible, lovely, and with just a hint of danger.
True False True False +2 cunning (this_agent)
75 Mistress Spy / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_tart)
A man with insatiable appetites must have them, er, sated.
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
76 Herbal Sleeping Potion Spy / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_potion)
Herbal Sleeping Potion
"I'm not convinced this is wor--zzzzzzz"
True False True False +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_agent)
No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
77 Brennus' Sword General / (inv_brennus_sword)
Brennus' Sword
Brennus' Sword
True False True False +2 zeal (this_general)
+10% melee attack skill for the commander's unit (this_general_force)
78 Dionysius Poetry General / (inv_dionysius_poetry)
Dionysius Poetry
"It is… interesting, to say the least."
True False True False +20% wealth from entertainment (culture) (local province)
79 Horned Helmet General / (inv_horned_helmet)
Horned Helmet
Horned Helmet
True False True False +2 zeal (this_general)
+15% melee defence skill for the commander's unit (this_general_force)
80 Illyrian Captain General / (inv_illyrian_captain)
Illyrian Captain
Illyrian Captain
True False True False +10% campaign map movement range (fleet only)
81 Illyrian Deckhand General / (inv_illyrian_deckhand)
Illyrian Deckhand
Illyrian Deckhand
True False True False +2 cunning (this_general)
82 Illyrian Pirate General / (inv_illyrian_pirate)
Illyrian Pirate
Loyalty is not one of a pirate's virtues, but their skills are well worth the risk.
True False True False +10% morale for all units during battles in enemy territory (fleet only)
-7% recruitment costs for all ships (fleet only)
83 Illyrian Traitor General / (inv_illyrian_traitor)
Illyrian Traitor
Illyrian Traitor
True False True False +15% morale for all units during battles against Illyrian Pirates (this_general_force)
84 Statue of Baal Hammon General / (inv_statue_of_baal_hammon)
Statue of Baal Hammon
"Carthago delenda est!"
True False True False +7% morale for all units (this_general_force)
+2 authority (this_general)
85 Statue of Juno General / (inv_statue_of_juno)
Statue of Juno
A tribute to the goddess Junona, patron of the state and protector of women.
True False True False +7 public order per turn (local province)
86 Trophy Bear General / (inv_trophy_bear)
Trophy Bear
A magnificent beast.
True False False False +3 authority (this_general)
87 Trophy Boar General / (inv_trophy_boar)
Trophy Boar
A magnificent beast.
True False False False +3 zeal (this_general)
88 Trophy Stag General / (inv_trophy_stag)
Trophy Stag
A magnificent beast.
True False False False +3 authority (this_general)
89 Trophy Wolf General / (inv_trophy_wolf)
Trophy Wolf
A magnificent beast.
True False False False +3 cunning (this_general)
90 Weighted Scale General / (inv_weighted_scale)
Weighted Scale
"Woe to the conquered."
True False True False +10% income from looting settlements for all armies (this_general_force)
91 Berber Raider General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_hero_berber_raider)
Berber Raider
When you don't see a Berber, worry. And check your back for daggers.
True False True False +10% morale for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
92 Berber Horseman General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_hero_berber)
Berber Horseman
When you see a Berber, worry.
True False True False +5% morale for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
93 Heroic Saviour General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_hero_saviour)
Heroic Saviour
A good person remembers their real friends.
True False True False +5% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_agent)
94 Master Armourer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_armourer)
Master Armourer
Armour is iron and bronze, and considerable skill.
True False True False +5% armour for all units (this_general_force)
95 Parthian Captain of Horse General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_horse_archer)
Parthian Captain of Horse
"Darken the heavens with your arrows! Shake the ground with your charge!"
True False True False +5% missile attack range for all light cavalry units (this_general_force)
96 Numidian Horseman General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_horse_numidian)
Numidian Horseman
"A Numidian takes a dead horse, rides it for another day, then eats it."
True False True False +5% missile attack range for all light cavalry units (this_general_force)
97 Master of Horse General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_horses)
Master of Horse
"Horses have wisdom, if you know how to use it."
True False True False +5% morale for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
98 Trophy Hunter General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_hunter_trouble)
Trophy Hunter
"One ugly mother--"
True False True False +5% to the chance of discovering hidden agents and armies (when general)
99 Master Hunter General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_hunter)
Master Hunter
After man, no other prey comes close.
True False True False +10% to the chance of discovering hidden agents and armies (when general)
100 Mercenary Commander General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_mercenary)
Mercenary Commander
"For that price, I will make war on my own grandmother. Or yours."
True False True False -5% mercenary unit hiring costs (this_general)
101 Siege Engineer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_siege_engineer)
Siege Engineer
"We'll have those walls down, sir, no trouble."
True False True False -1 enemy siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_force_general)
102 Master Smith General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_master_smith)
Master Smith
There is iron in the spirit of any army.
True False True False +5% armour for all units (this_general_force)
103 Shieldbearer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_shieldbearer)
"Stand with me, and keep watch!"
True False True False +5% armour for all units (this_general_force)
104 Slave Trader General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_slaver)
Slave Trader
"They will learn. The brutes are fortunate to be enslaved."
True False True False +5% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
105 Noble Steed General / (r2_sp_anc_all_army_steed)
Noble Steed
A prince among horses to carry a leader of men.
True False True False +5% movement speed for all light cavalry units (this_general_force)
106 Barbarian Pirate General / (r2_sp_anc_all_barbarian_pirate)
Barbarian Pirate
He couldn't make it as a bandit.
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
107 Drinking Companion General / (r2_sp_anc_all_booze_companion)
Drinking Companion
"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we puke!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
108 Christian Priest General / (r2_sp_anc_all_christian_priest)
Christian Priest
This man always turns the other cheek.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
109 Crisis Manager General / (r2_sp_anc_all_crisis_manager)
Crisis Manager
If there's a crisis that requires management, he's your man.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
110 Ex-Slum Lord General / (r2_sp_anc_all_ex_slum_lord)
Ex-Slum Lord
Out of work following the demolition of the slums, this one seeks adventure and, hopefully, a fortune.
True False True False +1 authority (this_general)
111 Horse Trainer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_dealer_horse)
Horse Trainer
Cruelty is foolishness, and wastes horse flesh.
True False True False +5% morale for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
112 Treasurer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_govt_money_treasurer)
Counting money is always a pleasure.
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
113 Gallic Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_all_house_bard_gallic)
Gallic Bard
"Can't sing a note, the bugger, but he's a cunning one!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
114 General / (r2_sp_anc_all_house_healer_quack)
"Prayers, three times a day. And beware elf-shot."
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
115 Honest Man General / (r2_sp_anc_all_house_honest_man)
Honest Man
Some men are remarkable, and uncomfortable, companions.
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
116 Aged Retainer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_house_old_man_1)
Aged Retainer
Loyalty is not always bought but is always treasured.
True False True False +2 public order per turn (local province)
+1 authority (this_agent)
117 Aged Retainer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_house_old_man_2)
Aged Retainer
After maturity: "anecdotage".
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
+1 authority (this_agent)
118 Wise Man General / (r2_sp_anc_all_house_wise_man)
Wise Man
"Wisdom? Wisdom? I do not have wisdom! I have age!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
119 Parthian Bow General / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_army_bow_parthian)
Parthian Bow
Make every shot count.
True False True False +5% missile damage inflicted by the commander's unit (this_general_force)
120 Emerald Lens General / (r2_sp_anc_all_item_glasses)
Emerald Lens
"Thank the Gods, I am not enfeebled in sight!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
121 Local Bandit General / (r2_sp_anc_all_local_bandit)
Local Bandit
"Long live the, er, revolution... or something."
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
122 Fortune Teller General / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_magician)
Fortune Teller
"The veil is lifting. I see… golden coinage, flowing like a river…"
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
123 Soothsayer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_soothsayer_1)
"By the Gods, I speak sooth, not honeyed lies!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
124 Soothsayer General / (r2_sp_anc_all_magic_soothsayer_2)
"Grant me visions, O Gods!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
125 Heal-all General / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_heal_all)
"I did not say you would like it, only that you would get better!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
126 Herbalist General / (r2_sp_anc_all_medic_herbalist)
"I know it tastes horrible. But it'll stop the fever in its tracks."
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
127 Anachronistic Madman General / (r2_sp_anc_all_misc_who)
Anachronistic Madman
"Diddly-dum, diddly-dum, diddly-dum, diddly-dum. Diddly-dum, diddly-dum, diddly-dum, diddly-dum. Diddly-dum, diddly-dum, diddly-dum, diddly-dum, waaaah-woooooooooo-oooo!"
False True False False +10% research rate (factionwide)
128 German Mistress General / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_barbarian)
German Mistress
"A she-wolf indeed, but the bites are worth it!"
False False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
129 Berber Minx General / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_berber)
Berber Minx
"I'm quite worn out. She's an in-tents lover. Oh, please yourself…"
True False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
130 Mistress General / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_civilized)
A man with abundant appetites must have them satisfied.
True False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
131 Floozy General / (r2_sp_anc_all_mistress_floozy)
There's nothing quite like a really cheap floozy to brighten up the place.
True False True False +5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
132 Wise Fisherman General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_fisherman_wise)
Wise Fisherman
"Hmmm. Land. Trouble, then."
True False True False +1 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
133 Pilot General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_master_pilot_1)
The right man can read waves and coasts like a book.
True False True False +2 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
134 Pilot General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_master_pilot)
To read the wind and waves is to read the thoughts of the gods.
True False True False +2 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
135 Seamaster General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_master_seaman)
A lifetime of skill in reading wind, wave and tide.
True False True False +1 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
136 Reformed Pirate General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_pirate_reformed)
Reformed Pirate
A captain who no longer steals can still fight.
True False True False +2 authority when leading a fleet (when admiral)
137 Pirate General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_pirate)
"The fish are hungry, and I want my gold!"
True False True False +2 cunning when leading a fleet (when admiral)
138 Shipwright General / (r2_sp_anc_all_navy_shipwright)
This man has a talent for seeing a ship within the wood.
True False True False -5% ship building cost (this_general_force)
139 One-eyed Veteran General / (r2_sp_anc_all_one_eyed_veteran)
One-eyed Veteran
"There's this bloke from Rhodes who's really nifty with a stone."
True False True False +5% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
140 Pet Sheep General / (r2_sp_anc_all_pet_sheep)
Pet Sheep
It gets lonely on the frontier.
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
141 Barbarian Philosopher General / (r2_sp_anc_all_thinker_barbarian)
Barbarian Philosopher
"I called him a ponce and I'm calling you one too. Perfumed ponce!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
142 Master Trader General / (r2_sp_anc_all_trade_expert)
Master Trader
Wealth is always a practical matter.
True False True False +10% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
143 Iberian Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_barbarian_barb_iberian)
Iberian Turncoat
"One day I will go home. And then I will savour my revenge."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (this_army)
144 German Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_barbarian_german)
German Turncoat
"My people will see me as their leader!"
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (this_general_force)
145 British Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_briton)
British Turncoat
"Sodding woad. Always brings me out in a rash."
True False True False +5% shots per minute rate for all chariot units (this_general_force)
+5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against barbarian tribes (this_general_force)
146 Eastern Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_eastern_generic)
Eastern Turncoat
"Gold? Is that why you think I...? No, no. Not that."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against Eastern factions (this_general_force)
147 Parthian Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_eastern_parthia)
Parthian Turncoat
"Actually, it is entirely about money…"
True False True False +5% shots per minute for all archers (this_general_force)
+5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against Eastern factions (this_general_force)
148 Egyptian Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_egypt)
Egyptian Turncoat
"Frankly, I hate sand in my bed, in my food and up my arse!"
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against Egypt (this_general_force)
149 Greek Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_greek_macedonia)
Greek Turncoat
"Well now, we can't all be an Alexander, can we?"
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all spear-armed infantry units (this_general_force)
+5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against Hellenic factions (this_general_force)
150 Greek Exile General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_greek)
Greek Exile
"I was loyal! They exiled ME!"
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against Hellenic factions (this_general_force)
151 Carthaginian Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_punic)
Carthaginian Turncoat
"Would you mind shutting up about Ba'al-be-damned elephants?"
True False True False -5% mercenary unit hiring costs (this_general)
+5% melee attack skill for all units during battles against Carthage (this_general_force)
152 Equestrian Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_roman_equestrian)
Equestrian Turncoat
"I'm fairly sure my family will never speak to me again."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
153 Roman Exile General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_roman_exile)
Roman Exile
"Wherever I wander, there's no place like Rome…"
True False True False +1 cunning (this_agent)
154 Traitorous Patrician General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_roman_patrician)
Traitorous Patrician
"The Senate? The Senate… My dear fellow, I've shit 'em!"
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
155 Plebeian Turncoat General / (r2_sp_anc_all_traitor_roman_plebian)
Plebeian Turncoat
"Rich bastards always think they're going to win. That's why they'll bloody lose."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all infantry units (this_general_force)
156 Ambachus General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_ambassador)
A man fluent in Latin and Greek can discuss terms with the vanquished.
True False True False +10% income from looting settlements (this_general_force)
157 Hearth-friend General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_guard)
"I carry his sword. I keep his back. He is my warlord."
True False True False +5% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_agent)
158 Heroic Warrior General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_celt)
Heroic Warrior
"Kiss my axe!"
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
159 The Seer General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_chris_knight)
The Seer
"Through the mist I foresee... giant enemy crabs... and MASSIVE DAMAGE! AIEEE!"
False True False False +10% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
160 Tattooed Madman General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_gian)
Tattooed Madman
"Let us dance with the badgers beneath twinkly stars, to the tuneful moans of the dying! Ha ha!"
False True False False -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
161 Heroic Veteran General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_old)
Heroic Veteran
"Remember, if your head comes away from your neck, it's over."
True False True False +5% melee attack skill for all sword-armed units (this_general_force)
+5% melee defence skill for all sword-armed units (this_general_force)
162 Another Pictish Git General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_tim)
Another Pictish Git
“See yoo ya dormouse-eating, bath-taking, sandal-wearing, Roman jessy, cam here and say that to ma face!”
False True False False +5% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
163 Pictish Git General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_hero_will)
Pictish Git
"One mair wurrd frae yer piehole an' I'll do ye, ye wee Latin bastard!"
False True False False +5% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
164 Sword-bearer General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_swordbearer)
Why should a great commander carry his own sword?
True False True False +5% weapon damage inflicted by the commander's unit (this_general_force)
165 Longsword General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_sword)
"I've paid for this privilege with my blood!"
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
166 Famous Warrior General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_army_warrior_famous)
Famous Warrior
Every hero is his own story.
True False True False -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
167 Personal Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_arts_bard_biographer)
Personal Bard
Heroes must be celebrated in song and rhyme.
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
168 Epic Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_arts_bard)
Epic Bard
Awesome deeds by great men need an epic retelling!
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
169 Menhir Carver General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_arts_menhir)
Menhir Carver
"I can do obelisks as well!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
170 Astrologer General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_astrologer)
Much can be learned from this man's speculations from the stars.
True False True False +1 cunning when leading an army (this_general)
171 Astronomer General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_astronomer)
"It's definitely moved. Last month it was over there. I've got an idea..."
True False True False +1 cunning when leading a fleet (when admiral)
172 Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_bard)
"Lemme sing you a story…"
True False True False +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_agent)
173 Black Cauldron General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_black_cauldron)
Black Cauldron
Whoever owns it shall rule the world. Or destroy it…
True True False False +2 cunning (this_agent)
174 Childhood Friend General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_childhood_friend)
Childhood Friend
"Are you mad? The Alliance!"
True False True False +10% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_agent)
175 Smooth-tongued Bard General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_govt_translator)
Smooth-tongued Bard
"My master does not care for your soft-tongued babble!"
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
176 Hazel Shells General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_hazel_shells)
Hazel Shells
"I have eaten the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge!"
True True False False +5% research rate (factionwide)
177 Historian General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_historian)
"My father was told by his father, who heard it from his father, who heard it from his father…"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
178 Epic Harpist General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_house_musician_gallic)
Epic Harpist
"I will sing of dark magic, when Vercingetorix was turned into a badger!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
179 Harpist General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_house_musician)
Music soothes the savage brow.
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
180 Old Man General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_house_old_man)
Old Man
"I have seen seventy long winters, so you listen…"
True False True False +5% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_general_force)
181 Bronze Mirror General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_bronze_mirror)
Bronze Mirror
"You see that beard with a gob… that's you!"
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
182 Caliburnus General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_excalibur)
"Behold…the sword of power…forged when the world was young!"
False True False False +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
183 Garum General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_fish_sauce)
"It's made of rotting fish bits! And they call us barbaric!"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
184 Hearth God Statue General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_god_hearth)
Hearth God Statue
"Ancestors mine, give me your help!"
True False True False +5 zeal when leading an army (this_general)
185 Dried Heart General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_heart)
Dried Heart
"It was still beating when I took it…"
True False True False -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
186 Hunting Horn General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_horn)
Hunting Horn
When the horn sounds, the hunters awake!
True False True False +7% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
187 Quicklimed Head General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_limed_head)
Quicklimed Head
"You know, I think I once bedded his sister!"
True False True False -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
188 War Helm General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_war_helmet)
War Helm
"Impressive, but why give your head handles for a foe?"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
+1 authority when leading an army (when general)
189 Jeweller General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_jeweller)
"Torc, anyone?"
True False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
190 Harridan General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_kate)
“You know he loves me better…”
True True False False -1 authority (this_agent)
+1 cunning (this_agent)
+1 zeal (this_agent)
191 Cackling Crone General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_magic_crone)
Cackling Crone
"Hahahahahaha! The bones! The bones!"
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
192 White Stag Pelt General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_pelt_white_stag)
White Stag Pelt
Is he a messenger from the Otherworld or just a loony with a deer on his head?
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
193 Pet Raven General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_pet_raven)
Pet Raven
"His name is Alan... I like his... unkindness..."
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
+1 line of sight (this_agent)
194 Poet General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_poet)
"I need something that rhymes with Roman bastards…"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)
195 Priest of Mabon General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_religion_mabon)
Priest of Mabon
It is important to pay one's respects to the impending darkness.
True False True False +1 food (factionwide)
196 Shaman General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_religion_shaman)
Walk bravely into the shadow world.
True False True False +1 to morale bonus while defending settlement (local province)
197 The Salmon of Wisdom General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_religion_wise_salmon)
The Salmon of Wisdom
Fish know things.
False True False False +5% research rate (factionwide)
198 Road Builder General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_road_builder)
Road Builder
"In years to come people will think the Romans built this road."
True False True False +1 line of sight (this_agent)
199 Sheep General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_sheep)
True False True False 5 food (local province)
200 Storyteller General / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_storyteller)
"It was a dark and stormy night…and Britomaris said to his men, 'Men… and the story began…'"
True False True False +2 Celtic cultural influence (factionwide)
201 Uncouth Brigand General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_army_brigand)
Uncouth Brigand
"He has a good nose for an ambush."
True False True False +5% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (this_general_force)
+5% income from looting settlements (this_general_force)
202 Inventor General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_army_inventor)
"The mirrors, sir, need to be positioned precisely…"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
203 Artillerist General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_army_master_artillery)
"A good pounding will make them see sense. Always works."
True False True False --1 enemy siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_force_general)
204 Drillmaster General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_army_master_drill)
"Stand still, you nasty little bastard! Fear ME! Not them simple sods yonder!"
True False True False -5% melee infantry morale upon recruitment (local province)
+5% melee attack skill for all infantry units (this_general_force)
205 Galloper General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_army_messenger_galloper)
A good seat, and trustworthy.
True False True False +2 authority when leading an army (when general)
206 Battlefield Runner General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_army_messenger_runner)
Battlefield Runner
Orders must get through.
True False True False +1 authority when leading an army (when general)
207 Architect General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_build_architect)
Great architecture reflects the greatness of the patron.
True False True False -1 building construction time (local province)
-5% building conversion costs (local province)
208 Monumental Mason General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_build_mason)
Monumental Mason
Building for eternity requires a modicum of skill.
True False True False -1 building construction time (local province)
-5% building conversion costs (local province)
209 Surveyor General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_build_surveyor)
"From here, to the river, well, I do not like it."
True False True False -1 building construction time (local province)
-5% building conversion costs (local province)
210 Numismatist General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_coin_expert)
Coins remind lesser men of their proper loyalties.
True False True False -5% cost of performing all actions (all characters)
-5% corruption (factionwide)
211 Farming Expert General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_farmer)
Farming Expert
Good land and good workers: a good income.
True False True False +5% wealth from farming (agriculture) (local province)
212 Foreign Guest General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_foreigner)
Foreign Guest
"Remarkable! He understands their ways as though born to them!"
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
213 Inventor General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_inventor)
"There are many practical applications, sir, really…"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
214 Judge General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_judge_bent_2)
Men willingly bend the knee to the openly just.
True False True False +1 public order from military presence (local province)
+5% corruption (factionwide)
215 Judge General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_judge_bent)
Any justice, however expensive, is better than no justice.
True False True False +1 public order from military presence (local province)
+5% corruption (factionwide)
216 Judge General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_judge_honest)
Men willingly bend the knee to the openly just.
True False True False +1 public order per turn (local province)
-5% corruption (factionwide)
217 Magistrate General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_judge_magistrate)
Order, not justice, builds an empire.
True False True False +1 public order from military presence (local province)
218 Geographer General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_mapmaker)
Soldiers and taxmen: united in their love of maps.
True False True False +2 line of sight (this_agent)
+5% tax rate (local province)
219 Chief Overseer General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_mine_overseer)
Chief Overseer
Unwilling backs cry out for the whip.
True False True False -5% slave unrest (local province)
220 Idiot Savant General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_money_idiot)
Idiot Savant
"The numbers they-- they-- sing to me!"
True False True False +10% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
221 Mathematician General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_money_mathematician)
Knowing how much money should be in the treasury is always a good idea.
True False True False +5% tariff income from trade agreements (factionwide)
222 Tax Farmer General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_money_tax_farmer)
Tax Farmer
"You get the money now. What more is there to know?"
True False True False -1 public order from characters (local province)
+5% tax rate (local province)
223 Orator General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_orator)
Some can make even a shopping list sound momentous and interesting.
True False True False +1 public order from characters (local province)
224 Shipping Magnate General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_shipping_magnate)
Shipping Magnate
"Trade, not emperors, kings, princes or senators, is what rules the world."
True False True False +5% wealth from maritime commerce (local province)
225 Geometer General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_surveyor_land)
"Euclid, sir, Euclid. And a good eye for an angle…"
True False True False -1 building construction time (local province)
226 Grain Merchant General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_govt_trader_grain)
Grain Merchant
"Sell them food. Fat men do not riot."
True False True False +5% wealth from farming (agriculture) (local province)
227 Infamous Atheist General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_infamous_atheist)
Infamous Atheist
"Gods? Bollocks!"
False False True False -5% building conversion costs (local province)
+5% temple construction costs (local province)
228 Gryphon Bones General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_item_fossil_dinosaur)
Gryphon Bones
"At great expense, brought from far Scythia, where the Gryphons guard mountains of gold!"
True False True False Public order bonus (maximum of +5) from presence of own culture (local province)
229 Burning-glass General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_item_lens)
The sun's flames, in the hand of a man.
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
230 Astrologer General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_magic_astrologer_2)
"The stars are most favourable, sir!"
True False True False +1 cunning when leading an army (this_general)
231 Sponge Diver General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_sponge_diver)
Sponge Diver
"Your bottom is rotten, sir, all the way through."
True False True False +5% ship health (when admiral)
232 Admiral's Surgeon General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_navy_surgeon)
Admiral's Surgeon
"If it doesn't work-- well, the fish are hungry!"
True False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
233 Rhetorician General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_philosopher_rhetoric)
"Any fool, sir, can shout; my arguments include logic, wit and detachment."
True False True False Manipulation > Persuade: +5% chance of successful manipulation (this_agent)
234 Jaded Cynic General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_thinker_cynic)
Jaded Cynic
"Ah. You sprinkle the usual dried shit and call it cinnamon!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
+5% civil research rate (factionwide)
235 Natural Philosopher General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_thinker_natural_philosopher)
Natural Philosopher
"I do not just think. I observe!"
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
236 Platonic Philosopher General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_thinker_platonic)
Platonic Philosopher
"This stuff, this flesh: it is an echo, not the truth."
True False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
237 Heavyweight Philosopher General / (r2_sp_anc_civilised_thinker_rubbish)
Heavyweight Philosopher
"Isn't thinking great? Like, really, just... awesome?"
True False True False +1% research rate (factionwide)
238 Enslaved Greek General / (r2_sp_anc_non_greek_slave_greek)
Enslaved Greek
"He's funny. He can run, and jump, and do things with olives."
True False True False +1 authority (this_agent)
No. Ancillary Transferrable Unique to World Unique to Faction is Wife Ancillary Effects
239 Ambitious Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_ambitious)
Ambitious Husband
No, my love. The others are holding you back because they are jealous…
False False True False +5% corruption (factionwide)
+2 gravitas per turn (this_general)
240 Arrogant Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_arrogant)
Arrogant Husband
And who are you, to speak to MY wife?
False False True False -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
-2 public order per turn (local province)
241 Clever Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_clever)
Clever Husband
I see more than you, dear, because no one notices me watching…
False False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
+2 authority (this_agent)
242 Drunken Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_drunkard)
Drunken Husband
It makes me happier than you ever could, you wretch!
False False True False -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+2 public order per turn (local province)
243 Foreign Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_dynastic)
Foreign Husband
The ruler of another faction.
False False False False Important Marriage: +15 to diplomatic relations with # (this_agent)
244 Faithful Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_faithful)
Faithful Husband
My wife, my queen, my love. Always.
False False True False +10 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+1 zeal (this_agent)
245 Gifted Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_gifted)
Gifted Husband
Some are born more capable than others. Attributes and all.
False False True False +5% wealth from culture (local province)
+20 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2 zeal (this_agent)
246 Miscreant Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_miscreant)
Miscreant Husband
Mother always said I was too good for you. Poor mother…
False False True False -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
-1 authority (this_agent)
247 Poisoner Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_poisoner)
Poisoner Husband
The next banquet, dear: would you put one of my special remedies on the menu?
False False True False -2 public order per turn (local province)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
248 Ambitious Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_ambitious)
Ambitious Husband
"No, my love. The others are holding you back because they are jealous…"
False False True False +5% corruption (factionwide)
+2 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
249 Arrogant Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_arrogant)
Arrogant Husband
"...and who are you, to speak to MY wife?"
False False True False -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 public order per turn (local province)
250 Clever Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_clever)
Clever Husband
"I see more than you, dear, because no one notices me watching…"
False False True False +5% research rate (factionwide)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 authority (this_agent)
251 Drunken Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_drunkard)
Drunken Husband
"It makes me happier than you ever could, you wretch!"
False False True False -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 public order per turn (local province)
252 Faithful Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_faithful)
Faithful Husband
"My wife, my queen, my love. Always."
False False True False +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+1 zeal (this_agent)
253 Gifted Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_gifted)
Gifted Husband
Some are born more capable than others, attributes and all.
False False True False +5% wealth from culture (local province)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+20 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2 zeal (this_agent)
254 Miscreant Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_miscreant)
Miscreant Husband
"Mother always said I was too good for you. Poor mother…"
False False True False -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-1 authority (this_agent)
255 Poisoner Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_poisoner)
Poisoner Husband
"At the next banquet, dear, would you put one of my special remedies on the menu?"
False False True False +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 public order per turn (local province)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
256 Prolific Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_prolific)
Prolific Husband
Children are a blessing from the gods!
False False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 growth per turn (local province)
+30 to chance of having children (this_agent)
257 Quiet Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_quiet)
Quiet Husband
It's the quiet ones who need watching.
False False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
+1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
258 Religious Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_religious)
Religious Husband
"The omens are always in your favour, my dear. Always - my prayers see to that."
False False True False +4 owning faction's cultural influence (factionwide)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+1 authority (this_agent)
259 Rowdy Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_pol_rowdy)
Rowdy Husband
"I will practice my singing whenever I want. I don't care if it's midnight, so why should the neighbours?"
False False True False +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 authority (this_agent)
+2 public order from military presence (local province)
260 Prolific Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_prolific)
Prolific Husband
Children are the blessings of the gods!
False False True False +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+2 growth per turn (local province)
+30 to chance of having children (this_agent)
261 Quiet Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_quiet)
Quiet Husband
It's the quiet ones who need watching.
False False True False -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
+1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
262 Religious Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_religious)
Religious Husband
The omens are always in your favour, my dear. Always. My prayers see to that.
False False True False +4 owning faction's cultural influence (factionwide)
+1 authority (this_agent)
263 Rowdy Husband Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_husband_rowdy)
Rowdy Husband
I will practice my singing whenever I want. I don't care if it's midnight, why should the neighbours?
False False True False -2 authority (this_agent)
+2 public order from military presence (local province)
264 Ambitious Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_ambitious)
Ambitious Wife
"No, my love. The others are holding you back because they are jealous…"
False False True True +5% corruption (factionwide)
+2 gravitas per turn (this_general)
265 Arrogant Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_arrogant)
Arrogant Wife
"And who are you, to speak to MY husband?"
False False True True -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
-2 public order per turn (local province)
266 Clever Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_clever)
Clever Wife
"I see more than you, dear, because no one notices a woman watching…"
False False True True +5% research rate (factionwide)
+2 authority (this_agent)
267 Drunken Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_drunkard)
Drunken Wife
"It makes me happier than you ever could, you bastard!"
False False True True -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+2 public order per turn (local province)
268 Foreign Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_dynastic)
Foreign Wife
The ruler of another faction.
False False False True Important Marriage: +15 to diplomatic relations with # (this_agent)
269 Faithful Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_faithful)
Faithful Wife
"My husband, my lord, my love. Always."
False False True True +5 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+1 zeal (this_agent)
270 Fertile Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_fertile)
Fertile Wife
"Children are the blessings of the gods!"
False False True True +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+2 growth per turn (local province)
+30 to chance of having children (this_agent)
271 Beautiful Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_great_beauty)
Beautiful Wife
Beauty is a blessing of the gods.
False False True True +5% wealth from culture (local province)
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2 zeal (this_agent)
272 Harridan Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_harridan_nag)
Harridan Wife
"Mother always said I was too good for you. Poor mother…"
False False True True -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
-1 authority (this_agent)
273 Poisoner Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_poisoner)
Poisoner Wife
"The next banquet, dear: would you put one of my special sauces on the menu?"
False False True True -2 public order per turn (local province)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
274 Ambitious Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_ambitious)
Ambitious Wife
"No, my love. The others are holding you back because they are jealous…"
False False True True +5% corruption (factionwide)
+2 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
275 Arrogant Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_arrogant)
Arrogant Wife
"...and who are you, to speak to MY husband?"
False False True True -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 public order per turn (local province)
276 Clever Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_clever)
Clever Wife
"I see more than you, dear, because no one notices a woman watching…"
False False True True +5% research rate (factionwide)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 authority (this_agent)
277 Drunken Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_drunkard)
Drunken Wife
"It makes me happier than you ever could, you bastard!"
False False True True -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 public order per turn (local province)
278 Faithful Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_faithful)
Faithful Wife
"My husband, my lord, my love. Always."
False False True True +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+1 zeal (this_agent)
279 Fertile Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_fertile)
Fertile Wife
Children are a blessing from the gods!
False False True True +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+2 growth per turn (local province)
+30 to chance of having children (this_agent)
280 Beautiful Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_great_beauty)
Beautiful Wife
To be made in the goddess' image is a divine blessing indeed!
False False True True +5% wealth from culture (local province)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+10 to chance of having children (this_agent)
+2 zeal (this_agent)
281 Harridan Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_harridan_nag)
Harridan Wife
"Mother always said I was too good for you. Poor mother…"
False False True True -1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-1 authority (this_agent)
282 Poisoner Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_poisoner)
Poisoner Wife
"At the next banquet, dear, would you put one of my special sauces on the menu?"
False False True True +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 public order per turn (local province)
+2 cunning (this_agent)
283 Quiet Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_quiet)
Quiet Wife
It's the quiet ones who need watching.
False False True True -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
+1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
284 Religious Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_religious)
Religious Wife
"The omens are always in your favour, my dear. Always - my prayers see to that."
False False True True +4 owning faction's cultural influence (factionwide)
+3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
+1 authority (this_agent)
285 Shrewish Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_pol_shrew)
Shrewish Wife
"...and what time do you call this to get in from campaigning? Bah! More drinking! Don't you dare be sick!"
False False True True +3 loyalty from # (this_agent)
-2 authority (this_agent)
+2 public order from military presence (local province)
286 Quiet Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_quiet)
Quiet Wife
It's the quiet ones who need watching.
False False True True -1 turns to recover from wounds (this_agent)
+1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
287 Religious Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_religious)
Religious Wife
"The omens are always in your favour, my dear. Always. My prayers see to that."
False False True True +4 owning faction's cultural influence (factionwide)
+1 authority (this_agent)
288 Shrewish Wife Common / (r2_sp_anc_all_wife_shrew)
Shrewish Wife
"And what time do you call this to get in from campaigning? Bah! More drinking! Don't you dare be sick!"
False False True True -2 authority (this_agent)
+2 public order from military presence (local province)
289 Golden Torc Common / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_item_torc)
Golden Torc
A fine twist of gold embodies the status of the wearer.
True False True False +2 authority (this_general)
290 Metalworker Common / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_metalworker)
"Bring me the stone from the sky and I will make you a blade!"
True False True False +5% armour for all spear-armed infantry units (this_general_force)
291 Wryhta Common / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_wheelwright)
"I could make the wheels out of the bones of the enemy. That'd learn 'em."
True False True False +5% charge bonus for all chariot units (this_general_force)
292 Medicine Man Common / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_witch_doctor)
Medicine Man
"Rub this in twice a day…and breathe this in while you're at it…"
True False True False +1 zeal (this_agent)
293 Woodworker Common / (r2_sp_anc_barbarian_woodworker)
"Uriens, why have you sculpted six hundred giant wooden knobs?"
True False True False +2% morale for all units (this_general_force)