Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Iastae (Empire Divided) / 建築 / Raiders' Quarters
Raiders' Quarters Iastae (Empire Divided)Iastae (Empire Divided) Naval Training Level 2

Raiders' Quarters

"We sail at dawn, lads, so you'd better stay sober tonight."

It was a rare occurrence for the barbarian tribes to brave the waves, so when they did it was a great shock to the civilised folk surprised by, and entirely unprepared for, their lightning raids. Barbarian sea crews were trained to fight and survive on land, their vessels being little more than a means to transport loot to their own holds. If a raider survived a few expeditions he could pass his seafaring knowledge on to future 'sea wolves'. Some of the captured slaves were seasoned sailors and were glad to share what they knew of shipbuilding and seafaring in exchange for a degree of freedom granted by their captors.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板

Naval Training

Sailors' Huts
Sailors' Huts
Naval Training Level 0
Raiders' Quarters
Raiders' Quarters
Naval Training Level 1
Pirates' Den
Pirates' Den
Naval Training Level 2
Marauders' Hall
Marauders' Hall
Naval Training Level 3
Raiders' Quarters

Building Name

Raiders' Quarters

Level Name


Building Chain

Naval Training

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology

Intensified Physical Conditioning
Intensified Physical Conditioning


+10% melee attack skill for all ships upon recruitment (this_buildings_province_to_adjacent_sea_regions)
+10% melee defence skill for all ships upon recruitment (this_buildings_province_to_adjacent_sea_regions)
+6% morale for all ships upon recruitment (this_buildings_province_to_adjacent_sea_regions)
-2食物 (this_region)
-2每回合公共秩序 (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units