Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Lepidus' Rome (Imperator Augustus) / 建筑 / Religious Gathering
Religious Gathering Lepidus' Rome (Imperator Augustus)Lepidus' Rome (Imperator Augustus) Cult Level 1

Religious Gathering

An innocuous crowd of people, drawn together by new beliefs.

In ancient times, religion was a very practical aspect of everyone's lives. Praying to the gods and performing rituals and sacrifices was a means of securing their favour. Once the worshipper had done what was required of him, the god was supposed to act accordingly, indicating a relationship between mundane and divine that resembled a sort of spiritual contract. At the same time, another religion gradually spread across the world; the so-called 'mystery cults' were so called as their teachings were only revealed to a small group of carefully-selected disciples. Shrouded in secrecy, unfathomable symbolism and rituals, some mystery cults are hard for the modern observer to grasp. Others, such as Christianity, grew into enormous movements that have shaped history ever since.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Religious Gathering
Religious Gathering
Cult Level 0
Christian Gathering
Christian Gathering
Cult Level 1
Christian Community
Christian Community
Cult Level 2
Christian Quarter
Christian Quarter
Cult Level 3
Manichean Gathering
Manichean Gathering
Cult Level 1
Manichean Community
Manichean Community
Cult Level 2
Manichean Quarter
Manichean Quarter
Cult Level 3
Mithraic Gathering
Mithraic Gathering
Cult Level 1
Mithraic Community
Mithraic Community
Cult Level 2
Mithraic Quarter
Mithraic Quarter
Cult Level 3
Religious Gathering

Building Name

Religious Gathering

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



500 cost to dismantle (this_building)
每回合人口增长+2 (this_province)
每回合公共秩序+2 (this_province)
+2 sanitation (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units