Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / 奥西斯米 (Caesar in Gaul) / 建筑 / Manichean Community
Manichean Community 奥西斯米 (Caesar in Gaul)奥西斯米 (Caesar in Gaul) Cult Level 3

Manichean Community

"There were many prophets. Mani was the last."

In the 3rd century AD, a Babylonian prophet called 'Mani' claimed to have experienced frequent visions of a divine nature that urged him to travel and seek the true meaning of life and the universe. Travel he did, right across Persia, reaching as far south as India. Having been introduced to every major religious doctrine at the time, Mani declared himself the final link in a long chain of prophets from Buddha to Jesus to Zoroaster. He spoke of an eternal struggle between light and darkness, and promoted spiritual purity while denouncing the material world. Mani preached this doctrine extensively and insisted that its scriptures be translated into other languages. This contributed to the longevity and vast dissemination of Manichaeism; Mani may have been executed at the order of the Sassanid Shahanshah Bahram around AD 277, but Manichaeism subsequently survived well into the Middle Ages.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Religious Gathering
Religious Gathering
Cult Level 0
Christian Gathering
Christian Gathering
Cult Level 1
Christian Community
Christian Community
Cult Level 2
Christian Quarter
Christian Quarter
Cult Level 3
Manichean Gathering
Manichean Gathering
Cult Level 1
Manichean Community
Manichean Community
Cult Level 2
Manichean Quarter
Manichean Quarter
Cult Level 3
Mithraic Gathering
Mithraic Gathering
Cult Level 1
Mithraic Community
Mithraic Community
Cult Level 2
Mithraic Quarter
Mithraic Quarter
Cult Level 3
Manichean Community

Building Name

Manichean Community

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



+4 Manichean cultural influence (this_region)
2000 cost to dismantle (this_building)
陆军招募成本+14% (this_province)
研究速率+10% (this_faction)
+6 sanitation (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units