HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / African Rebels (Empire Divided) / Buildings / Governor's Palace
Governor's Palace African Rebels (Empire Divided)African Rebels (Empire Divided) City Centre Level 2

Governor's Palace

Local administration, governing a community and its surrounding network.

Varying in style, but not in purpose, palaces of local governors, satraps and royalty were power made manifest in stone. Whether based on earlier Persian designs, such as the administrative buildings and the royal palace complex at Persepolis, at the heart of the Achaemenid Empire, or constructed in Hellenistic fashion by Alexander’s successors, such as the Seleucid palaces at Antioch, these buildings were designed to awe. The palaces were also hives of activity, from which the day-to-day running of the cities and provinces was orchestrated, and diplomacy, politics and wars were planned.

日本語化: JapanTotalWarとは

City Centre

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Clay Tablet Archive
City Centre Level 2
City Centre Level 3
Governor's Palace
Governor's Palace
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Satrap's Palace
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Governor's Palace

Building Name

Governor's Palace

Level Name


Building Chain

City Centre

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-2 Banditry (local province) (this_province)
-1 ​食​料 (this_region)
+10% ​文​化​に​よ​る​収​入 (regions_in_this_province)
100 ​生​活​水​準​向​上​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)
+3 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units