HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​タ​ル​ベ​リ (Caesar in Gaul) / Buildings / ​吟​遊​詩​人​の​間
​吟​遊​詩​人​の​間 ​タ​ル​ベ​リ (Caesar in Gaul)​タ​ル​ベ​リ (Caesar in Gaul) ​共​有​地 Level 4


Through song and poetry the glorious dead are honoured.

Little is known for certain of the ways and practices of the ancient druids. Classical writers stated that these mysterious men refused to write their secrets down, preferring to pass their knowledge from generation to generation orally. The writer Diodorus Siculus was the first to discuss the idea that there were distinct roles within the druid system, and it was Strabo who divided these into three separate classes; those who studied moral philosophy were known as the 'druidai'; the diviners and specialists in the natural world were the 'o'vateis'; and the poets and singers were the 'bardoi'. The bardoi, or bards, were responsible for passing on history in poetry and song. History always included the brave deeds of warriors as well as knowledge of the gods and the natural world.

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​共​有​地 Level 0
​共​有​地 Level 1
​共​有​地 Level 2
​共​有​地 Level 3
​共​有​地 Level 4
​共​有​地 Level 1
​共​有​地 Level 2
​共​有​地 Level 3
​共​有​地 Level 1
​共​有​地 Level 2
​共​有​地 Level 3
​共​有​地 Level 1
​共​有​地 Level 2
​共​有​地 Level 1
​共​有​地 Level 2
​共​有​地 Level 3

Building Name


Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology

Druidic Doctrine
Druidic Doctrine


-5 ​食​料 (this_region)
150 ​学​問​に​よ​る​収​入 (​文​化) (this_building)
+20% ​研​究​速​度 (this_faction)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units