HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Odrysian tribal council / Buildings / Tribal Pagus
Tribal Pagus Odrysian tribal councilOdrysian tribal council Minor Settlement Level 4

Tribal Pagus

Riches grow when people work together.

Roman and Greek historians often described the barbarian tribes as wandering people who lived for the hunt and knew little of farming and construction. Nothing could be further from the truth. A number of structures have been discovered that show that so-called 'barbarians' had a firm grasp of building techniques and were able to construct homes and defences that have survived for thousands of years. Brochs, dry stone buildings found in Scotland, survived the harsh weather and provide interesting information about the people who built them. Many were multi-storey dwellings and historians still debate their use: some believe they were defensive structures; others argue they may have been prestige buildings, symbols of wealth and power.

Minor Settlement

Minor Settlement Level 0
Minor Settlement Level 1
Minor Settlement Level 2
Farm Pagus
Farm Pagus
Minor Settlement Level 3
Tribal Pagus
Tribal Pagus
Minor Settlement Level 3
Tribal Pagus

Building Name

Tribal Pagus

Level Name


Building Chain

Minor Settlement

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology

Dry Stone Construction
Dry Stone Construction


-8 food (this_region)
+6% wealth from all sources (regions_in_this_province)
200 wealth from subsistence (this_building)
+4 growth per turn (this_province)
+3 public order per turn (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

120 Thracian Skirmishers
120 Thracian Skirmishers
Thracian Skirmishers
Missile Infantry
120 Tribal Garrison
120 Tribal Garrison
Tribal Garrison
Missile Infantry
160 Thracian Warriors
Thracian Warriors
Melee Infantry

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Spears
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (Dac_Spears)
Even the lowliest of Dacians can carry a spear into battle for his people.
160 220 220 11 22 12 54 45 45 30
120 Thracian Skirmishers
Missile Infantry / Missile Infantry / (Thr_Skirm)
Thracian Skirmishers
Unencumbered by armour, these fast moving skirmishers use javelins to disrupt enemy units.
120 330 330 41 80 7 7 12 24 3 37 15 45 25