HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Kushite Secessionists / Buildings / Majore Field
Majore Field Kushite SecessionistsKushite Secessionists City Centre Level 4

Majore Field

The game is one thing, winning quite another.

Majore was a sport similar in concept to rugby but using a solid wooden ball. A popular game in Mesopotamia since the Bronze Age, it spread throughout the east over the following centuries. Games such as Majore, along with boxing and wrestling, were accessible to all people. This made them important to society, as they not only entertained people but also glorified their rulers and patron gods.

City Centre

City Centre
City Centre
City Centre Level 0
Wrestling Arena
Wrestling Arena
City Centre Level 1
Polo Pitch
Polo Pitch
City Centre Level 2
Majore Field
Majore Field
City Centre Level 3
City Centre Level 1
Clay Tablet Archive
Clay Tablet Archive
City Centre Level 2
City Centre Level 3
Governor's Palace
Governor's Palace
City Centre Level 1
Satrap's Palace
Satrap's Palace
City Centre Level 2
Royal Palace
Royal Palace
City Centre Level 3
Slave Trader
Slave Trader
City Centre Level 1
Slave Auctioneer
Slave Auctioneer
City Centre Level 2
Spice Market
Spice Market
City Centre Level 1
Spice Bazaar
Spice Bazaar
City Centre Level 2
Grand Bazaar
Grand Bazaar
City Centre Level 3
Majore Field

Building Name

Majore Field

Level Name


Building Chain

City Centre

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology

Ceremonial Rites
Ceremonial Rites


120 wealth from entertainment (culture) (this_building)
+20% wealth from entertainment (culture) (regions_in_this_province)
+20 public order per turn (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units