HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​ガ​エ​ト​ゥ​リ (Hannibal at the Gates) / Buildings / ​泊​地
​泊​地 ​ガ​エ​ト​ゥ​リ (Hannibal at the Gates)​ガ​エ​ト​ゥ​リ (Hannibal at the Gates) ​港 Level 2


Safe haven from pirates and storms, and a place to trade.

Harbours were vital in the ancient world, offering a safe refuge from pirates and storms and a place for trade. Although most ships hugged the coastlines, loading and unloading goods needed a sheltered harbour. A natural bay would do, but the construction of docks and wharfs, and sheltering sea walls made sea-going life much easier. Harbours were colossal undertakings, but the long-term benefits far outweighed the labour and costs involved.

日本語化: JapanTotalWarとは


​港 Level 0
​港 Level 1
​港 Level 2
​港 Level 3
​港 Level 1
​港 Level 2
​港 Level 3
​港 Level 1
​港 Level 2
​港 Level 3

Building Name


Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-1 ​食​料 (this_region)
60 ​地​域​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)
120 ​海​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)

Provides Garrison Army

80 Raiding Hemiolia - Libyan Javelinmen
80 Raiding Hemiolia - Libyan Javelinmen
Raiding Hemiolia - Libyan Javelinmen

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
80 Raiding Hemiolia - Libyan Javelinmen
Light Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Car_Javelin_One_Halfer)
Raiding Hemiolia - Libyan Javelinmen
These swift, manoeuvrable ships are a useful scouting force for any admiral.

Javelin-armed skirmishers harry an enemy before the main battle is joined.

80 350 350 402 6 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 25
100 Pursuit Trihemiolia - Libyan Javelinmen
Light Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Car_Javelin_Two_Halfer)
Pursuit Trihemiolia - Libyan Javelinmen
Fast, relatively powerful pursuit ships, well able to hunt down pirates and other seagoing scum.

Javelin-armed skirmishers harry an enemy before the main battle is joined.

100 470 470 585 7 32 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 25