HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Rhodos / Buildings / Hippeis Stables
Hippeis Stables RhodosRhodos Military (Training) Level 3

Hippeis Stables

Men able to afford and stable horses still need training in the arts of war.

Horses enjoyed a respected position in Roman society. Bred and kept for the great sport of racing, religious sacrifice and noble military service, they were less of the working animal they became in later cultures if only because of their cost. Horses were rarely used on farms other than when their sacrificial blood was given to purify other livestock or their heads were nailed to a farm wall in hope of a harvest blessing! It was claimed that Romulus himself had a personal guard of 300 horsemen. Roman cavalry was, at first, made up of the richer classes, the equestrians or 'riding class', who could pay for their own mounts. Later, the sense of being an elite was maintained as the upper classes were favoured, and they were paid three times as much as foot soldiers. As the Empire grew, Gallic, Numidian, Spanish and Thracian horsemen were added to the ranks. The cavalry was used to scout, carry messages and, in battle, to charge, flank an enemy quickly and gain advantage at critical moments.

Military (Training)

Practice Field
Practice Field
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Practice Camp
Practice Camp
Military (Training) Level 1
Military (Training) Level 2
Combat Posts
Combat Posts
Military (Training) Level 1
Ephebic College
Ephebic College
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Horse Corral
Horse Corral
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Hippeis Stables
Hippeis Stables
Military (Training) Level 2
Target Stands
Target Stands
Military (Training) Level 1
Marksmen's Range
Marksmen's Range
Military (Training) Level 2
Hippeis Stables

Building Name

Hippeis Stables

Level Name


Building Chain

Military (Training)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology

Advanced Cavalry Tactics
Advanced Cavalry Tactics


-4 food (this_region)
+1 army recruitment capacity (this_province)
+10% melee cavalry melee attack upon recruitment (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units