HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Cimmerian Secessionists / Buildings / ​傭​兵​野​営​地
​傭​兵​野​営​地 Cimmerian SecessionistsCimmerian Secessionists ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 4


Professional mercenaries can supplement the ranks of citizen soldiers.

In eastern Hellenistic states there was a limit to the number of Greek recruits available, and so local populations and mercenaries were used. After Alexander, leaders valued quantity over quality and some amassed huge armies of up to 70,000 men with only a small portion of Greek origin. Further west, Hellenistic states were caught up in conflicts that depleted their numbers, making mercenaries essential to continued warfare. In 227BC Cleomenes III of Sparta made 5000 free men citizens and allowed some slaves to buy their freedom so that he had more potential recruits. When Philip V of Macedon suffered huge losses he chose to reorganise his kingdom. During peacetime, he redistributed the population and was able to leave a large army to his son, Perseus.

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​軍​事 (​徴​兵)

​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 0
​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 1
​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 2
​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 3
​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 1
​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 2
​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 3

Building Name


Level Name


Building Chain

​軍​事 (​徴​兵)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource


Require Technology



-6 ​食​料 (this_region)
-10% ​傭​兵​の​雇​用​費 (your_characters_in_this_province)
+1 ​陸​軍​徴​兵​キ​ャ​パ​シ​テ​ィ (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

120 Steppe Archers
120 Steppe Archers
Steppe Archers
160 Steppe Spearmen
160 Steppe Spearmen
Steppe Spearmen

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Cimmerian Heavy Archers
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Gre_Cimmerian_Heavy_Archers)
Cimmerian Heavy Archers
Adopt the nomad's ways if you wish to defeat him.
120 600 600 40 150 7 15 16 20 8 18 35 55 55
160 Hoplites
Melee Infantry / ​槍​歩​兵 / (Gre_Hoplites)
Hoplites: no other word says "Greeks at war" in quite the same way.
160 650 650 34 26 21 57 80 60 55
120 Javelinmen
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Gre_Javelinmen)
Lightly-armed javelinmen, intended to harass and disrupt the enemy battle line.
120 220 220 29 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 25
120 Picked Peltasts
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Gre_Picked_Peltasts)
Picked Peltasts
The nimblest skirmishers, these men have been chosen for the range and speed of their attacks.
120 720 720 41 80 8 10 28 36 12 40 65 55 55
80 Armoured Horse Archers
Cavalry / ​飛​び​道​具​騎​兵 / (Ste_Armour_Horse_Archers)
Armoured Horse Archers
Once their arrows are gone they will cut their enemies into tiny pieces.
80 580 580 40 125 6 15 37 34 15 15 35 75 45
80 Steppe Horse Archers
Cavalry / ​飛​び​道​具​騎​兵 / (Ste_Horse_Archers)
Steppe Horse Archers
These horse archers can pepper an enemy before moving in for close-combat.
80 360 360 40 125 6 15 9 24 4 13 10 70 30
160 Young Axes
Melee Infantry / ​近​接​歩​兵 / (Ste_Young_Axes)
Young Axes
Youthful courage and desire for glory make up for any shortcomings in axe-skill.
160 190 190 28 26 14 51 15 45 25