HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​ポ​ン​ト​ス / Buildings / ​造​船​所
​造​船​所 ​ポ​ン​ト​ス​ポ​ン​ト​ス ​港 Level 2


Sea legs can be found when there is glory and gold to be gained.

Shipbuilding, maintenance and having a safe harbour were obviously crucial to the trade and expansion of any Mediterranean people. From 500BC, the Greek trireme was the backbone of Hellenic navies. Up to forty metres long, and powered by a crew of 170 highly trained, professional rowers, the trireme was narrow and light, if a little unstable. Rowers were expected to throw javelins and sling stones while seated so as not to rock the boat! In Piraeus, the port of Athens, up to 750 triremes could be sheltered in nearly 500 neosokoi, or covered hangars, when not in use. The Carthaginians constructed an artificial harbour or 'cothon' to protect their ships from the sea. It is believed that other cothons could be drained to act as dry docks, allowing for ship maintenance.

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​港 Level 0
​港 Level 1
​港 Level 2
​港 Level 3
​港 Level 1
​港 Level 2
​港 Level 3
​港 Level 1
​港 Level 2
​港 Level 3
​港 Level 1
​港 Level 2
​港 Level 3

Building Name


Level Name


Building Chain


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Create Cost



70 ​製​造​業(​工​業)​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)

Provides Garrison Army

80 Raiding Hemiolia - Eastern Javelinmen
80 Raiding Hemiolia - Eastern Javelinmen
Raiding Hemiolia - Eastern Javelinmen
60 Assault Dieres - Thureos Spears
60 Assault Dieres - Thureos Spears
Assault Dieres - Thureos Spears

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
80 Raiding Hemiolia - Eastern Javelinmen
Light Ship / ​飛​び​道​具​艦 / (Eas_Javelinmen_One_Halfer)
Raiding Hemiolia - Eastern Javelinmen
These swift, manoeuvrable ships are a useful scouting force for any admiral.

These skirmishers harass an enemy line with javelins, screening their comrades in the process.

80 440 440 467 6 41 80 7 7 8 24 3 37 15 45 20
60 Assault Dieres - Thureos Spears
Light Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (Gre_Thureos_Two)
Assault Dieres - Thureos Spears
With a ramming attack that can break an enemy hull, these ships are deadly weapons.

These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing hoplites.

60 410 410 566 6 24 25 26 55 70 50 50
60 Fire Pot Dieres - Thureos Spears
Light Ship / ​近​接​艦 / (Gre_Thureos_Two_Fire_Pots)
Fire Pot Dieres - Thureos Spears
Fire pots, hurled onto enemy decks, are a terrible threat to wooden ships.

These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing hoplites.

60 460 460 566 6 24 25 26 55 70 50 50