HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Adirim Secessionists / Buildings / Temple of Hephaistos Polumetis
Temple of Hephaistos Polumetis Adirim SecessionistsAdirim Secessionists Religious Level 4

Temple of Hephaistos Polumetis

The crafty arts and many devices of Hephaistos are worthy of praise.

Hephaistos, the god of fire, was also the master of smithing, sculpture and stone masonry, and therefore a good patron for mortal craftsmen of all kinds. Both volcanoes and forges were his responsibility, and the god was usually depicted with the humble tools of a blacksmith to hand. He was also depicted as being remarkably ugly and lame, but he had an arranged marriage to Aphrodite arranged by his father, Zeus, even though she strayed from the path of marital fidelity with monotonous regularity. The gods could be somewhat whimsical, at times. He was considered to be the Greek counterpart, or original, to the Roman god Vulcan, and was honoured by all sensible craft workers.


Consecrated Ground
Consecrated Ground
Religious Level 0
Shrine of Ares
Shrine of Ares
Religious Level 1
Temple of Ares
Temple of Ares
Religious Level 2
Temple of Ares Enyalios
Temple of Ares Enyalios
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Athena
Shrine of Athena
Religious Level 1
Temple of Athena
Temple of Athena
Religious Level 2
Temple of Athena Promachos
Temple of Athena Promachos
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Hephaistos
Shrine of Hephaistos
Religious Level 1
Temple of Hephaistos
Temple of Hephaistos
Religious Level 2
Temple of Hephaistos Polumetis
Temple of Hephaistos Polumetis
Religious Level 3
Sacred Grove
Sacred Grove
Religious Level 1
Grove of Nymphs
Grove of Nymphs
Religious Level 2
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Poseidon
Shrine of Poseidon
Religious Level 1
Temple of Poseidon
Temple of Poseidon
Religious Level 2
Temple of Poseidon Hippois
Temple of Poseidon Hippois
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Zeus
Shrine of Zeus
Religious Level 1
Temple of Zeus
Temple of Zeus
Religious Level 2
Temple of Zeus Panhellenios
Temple of Zeus Panhellenios
Religious Level 3
Temple of Hephaistos Polumetis

Building Name

Temple of Hephaistos Polumetis

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource



+2 Hellenic cultural influence (this_region)
-8 food (this_region)
240 wealth from entertainment (culture) (this_building)
+20% wealth from industry (regions_in_this_province)
+2 public order per turn (this_province)
Commercial Stimulation Edict:
+20% wealth from industry buildings (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units