Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Taras Secessionists (Rise of the Republic) / 建筑 / Village (Spice Depot)
Village (Spice Depot) Taras Secessionists (Rise of the Republic)Taras Secessionists (Rise of the Republic) Spice Level 1

Village (Spice Depot)

Strange, exotic - even sensuous - smells fill the air.

In ancient times, the kingdoms of southern Arabia and the Horn of Africa were the major suppliers of frankincense to the Mediterranean world. The so-called ‘Incense Route’ started in the southernmost part of the Arabian Peninsula, in a region known to the Greeks as ‘Eudaemon Arabia’ (‘Elevated Arabia’), beginning in Marib and Gherrea and passing through Qataban and Ma'in before reaching Nabataean Petra and beyond. It also served as a connection between India and the Mediterranean super-powers. Trade along the route was very lucrative and Arabia flourished as a result, with some of its cities becoming extremely wealthy in the process. Unfortunately, with success, envy follows inevitably, and so the Arabian cities became targets for many great conquerors, including Alexander. However, no one managed to capture them during their heyday, although most eventually fell to other powers by the end of the 2nd century BC, with the discovery of a direct sea route to India. Once Greeks and Romans began to bypass its land routes, southern Arabia’s wealth and power slowly but steadily declined. The Kingdom of Saba was one of the first to collapse, giving way to the Himyarite Kingdom, while Nabataea lasted longer through Hellenisation and alliance with the burgeoning Roman Empire.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Village (Spice Depot)
Village (Spice Depot)
Spice Level 0
Settlement (Large Spice Depot)
Settlement (Large Spice Depot)
Spice Level 1
Town (Spice Producer)
Town (Spice Producer)
Spice Level 2
Colony (Master Spice Producer)
Colony (Master Spice Producer)
Spice Level 3
Village (Spice Depot)

Building Name

Village (Spice Depot)

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



本地商业生产200财富 (this_building)
每回合人口增长+1 (this_province)
40 spices (this_region)
奴隶骚动+2% (this_province)
贸易协议所获关税收入+2% (this_faction)
边界外视野范围+12 (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units