Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Iolei Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) / 建筑 / Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)
Town (Grain Irrigated Farm) Iolei Pretenders (Rise of the Republic)Iolei Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) Grain Level 3

Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)

"We can't bring the farm to the river… let's bring the river to the farm."

Along with water, food is one of the basic human needs. When a population’s staple diet is bread, being able to effectively manage its production is an essential skill. In the ancient world, common threats such as warfare, flooding or drought could ruin a harvest. By storing excess grain from successful harvests a nation not only ensured its own safety, but also enabled it to assist others – making grain a powerful diplomatic tool. Consequently, control of its granaries was often the issue at the centre of internal power struggles. This is vividly demonstrated by the discovery of model granaries buried along with their owners to demonstrate the deceased’s agricultural power.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Farmstead (Grain Fields)
Farmstead (Grain Fields)
Grain Level 0
Village (Grain Farms)
Village (Grain Farms)
Grain Level 1
Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)
Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)
Grain Level 2
Pagus (Grain Estate)
Pagus (Grain Estate)
Grain Level 3
Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)

Building Name

Town (Grain Irrigated Farm)

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology

Speakers of Many Tongues
Speakers of Many Tongues


3粮食 (all regions in adjacent provinces)
3 food (all regions in local province) (regions_in_this_province)
农业生产80财富 (this_building)
农业产值+40% (regions_in_this_province)
每回合人口增长+3 (this_province)
[NOTDISPLAYED]Drivestheroadlevelsbetweensettlements (this_region)
边界外视野范围+12 (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

120 Nuragic Ambushers
120 Nuragic Ambushers
120 Nuragic Ambushers
120 Nuragic Ambushers
Nuragic Ambushers
160 Nuragic Shield Wall
Nuragic Shield Wall
160 Nuragic Warriors
Nuragic Warriors

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Sardi Hillmen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_iol_sardi_hillmen)
Sardi Hillmen
160 180 180 15 34 5 10 10 50 30
120 Sardi Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_iol_sardi_slingers)
Sardi Slingers
120 300 300 20 150 7 25 5 24 3 15 15 45 30