Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Bruttii (Rise of the Republic) / 建筑 / Linen Tent
Linen Tent Bruttii (Rise of the Republic)Bruttii (Rise of the Republic) Military (Training) Level 3

Linen Tent

"I will fight the Romans to the very end!"

When they were recruited for military service, Samnite soldiers had to swear a secret oath of obedience, referred to as the ‘war oath’. New warriors were sent to the temple to take the oath in small groups. It was a common occurrence for some in the first group to refuse and try to turn away, so they were instantly slain, ensuring little resistance from groups that followed. Where temples were not present, the Samnites would swear their oath in linen tents.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组

Military (Training)

Training Grounds
Training Grounds
Military (Training) Level 0
Oath Enclosure
Oath Enclosure
Military (Training) Level 1
Linen Tent
Linen Tent
Military (Training) Level 2
Oath Temple
Oath Temple
Military (Training) Level 3
Monument of War
Monument of War
Military (Training) Level 4
Linen Tent

Building Name

Linen Tent

Level Name


Building Chain

Military (Training)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



粮食-4 (this_region)
每回合公共秩序-4 (this_province)
陆军招募成本-10% (this_province)
新募陆军部队冲锋加成+20% (this_province)
新募部队士气+20% (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units