HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Samnites (Rise of the Republic) / Buildings / Sanctuary of Mamers
Sanctuary of Mamers Samnites (Rise of the Republic)Samnites (Rise of the Republic) Religious Level 4

Sanctuary of Mamers

Honouring Mamers brings a martial spirit to the tribes.

As you might expect, war was central to Samnite society and the support of its governing deity was therefore paramount if the Samnites’ military endeavours were to be successful. The most important god within the Samnite pantheon was therefore ‘Mamers’, identified with the Roman Mars, god of war. Naturally, Mamers was greatly revered and worshipped, and like the Romans the Samnites practised the rite of ‘ver sacrum’ or ‘holy spring’ and superstitiously interpreted omens from the flight of birds or by inspecting the bowels of sacrificed animals. One tenth of all animals born in spring were sacrificed to Mamers. Fortunately, this didn’t include children, who were instead sent away once they reached military age and allegedly led by a sacred ox to their new homeland.

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Sacred Enclosure
Sacred Enclosure
Religious Level 0
Grove of Athena
Grove of Athena
Religious Level 1
Shrine of Athena
Shrine of Athena
Religious Level 2
Sanctuary of Athena
Sanctuary of Athena
Religious Level 3
Grove of Kerres
Grove of Kerres
Religious Level 1
Shrine of Kerres
Shrine of Kerres
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Sanctuary of Kerres
Religious Level 3
Grove of Mamers
Grove of Mamers
Religious Level 1
Shrine of Mamers
Shrine of Mamers
Religious Level 2
Sanctuary of Mamers
Sanctuary of Mamers
Religious Level 3
Sanctuary of Mamers

Building Name

Sanctuary of Mamers

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource



+4 Italian cultural influence (this_region)
-8 ​食​料 (this_region)
+8 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (this_province)
-15% ​陸​上​部​隊​の​徴​兵​費 (this_province)
+1 ​陸​軍​徴​兵​キ​ャ​パ​シ​テ​ィ (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units