Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Balari (Rise of the Republic) / 建築 / Meeting Ground
Meeting Ground Balari (Rise of the Republic)Balari (Rise of the Republic) Military (Training) Level 2

Meeting Ground

"Justice is the preserve of all. Now let us hear the complaint."

Much of what we know of barbarian tribes comes from accounts set down by Roman and Greek writers, and they are often extremely critical. However, Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, in the book ‘Germania’, writes about the Germanic tribes with great respect. He described a people who were very open and hospitable, and who loved nothing more than feasting and celebrating great deeds. He was also impressed that they resolved all tribal issues at a council where every man's voice could be heard. Also remarking on the fidelity shown within Germanic marriages, there was one aspect of their lives that Tacitus found deplorable and barbaric - he thoroughly disapproved of "their habitual drunkenness”.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板

Military (Training)

Warrior's Lodge
Warrior's Lodge
Military (Training) Level 0
Fighting Semi-circle
Fighting Semi-circle
Military (Training) Level 1
Funeral Arena
Funeral Arena
Military (Training) Level 2
Nuragic Arena
Nuragic Arena
Military (Training) Level 3
Meeting Ground
Meeting Ground
Military (Training) Level 1
Proving Grounds
Proving Grounds
Military (Training) Level 2
Hall of Champions
Hall of Champions
Military (Training) Level 3
Meeting Ground

Building Name

Meeting Ground

Level Name


Building Chain

Military (Training)

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-1食物 (this_region)
由文化獲得的財富75 (this_building)
+2每回合公共秩序 (this_province)
軍隊招募能力+1 (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

160 Nuragic Warriors
Nuragic Warriors

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Sardi Axemen
近戰步兵 / 近戰步兵 / (inv_iol_sardi_axemen)
Sardi Axemen
Axes do not discriminate - any man or tree will be cut down.
160 550 550 30 26 20 45 60 50 30
120 Sardi Skirmishers
遠程步兵 / 遠程步兵 / (inv_iol_sardi_skirmishers)
Sardi Skirmishers
Skirmishing is the essence of guerrilla warfare; the enemy are exhausted into submission.
120 400 400 29 80 7 7 10 24 5 25 15 45 20
160 Sardi Spearmen
近戰步兵 / 矛步兵 / (inv_iol_sardi_spearmen)
Sardi Spearmen
The spear is ubiquitous - it practically explains itself.
160 300 300 20 25 5 60 40 45 30