HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Rome (Rise of the Republic) / Buildings / Farming Colonia
Farming Colonia Rome (Rise of the Republic)Rome (Rise of the Republic) Minor Settlement Level 3

Farming Colonia

Competition is the meadow in which profits flourish.

Outside of cities in the ancient world most people made a frugal living through agriculture. Major crops included cereals such as wheat and barley, fruits such as apples, plums, peaches, cherries and always olives wherever they could be grown. Most farms were family-owned businesses but as the cities grew so did demands on the available fertile land. Despite rising prices, it became difficult for small farmers to survive. Wealthy Romans bought up vast areas creating huge estates, or latifundia, to increase production. Slave labour was brought in and water was fed through irrigation ditches supplied by small reservoirs. The writer Pliny eventually complained that large-scale industrial farming ruined Italy and her provinces.

Minor Settlement

Minor Settlement Level 0
Small Civil Colonia
Small Civil Colonia
Minor Settlement Level 1
Civil Colonia
Civil Colonia
Minor Settlement Level 2
Large Civil Colonia
Large Civil Colonia
Minor Settlement Level 3
Small Farming Colonia
Small Farming Colonia
Minor Settlement Level 1
Farming Colonia
Farming Colonia
Minor Settlement Level 2
Large Farming Colonia
Large Farming Colonia
Minor Settlement Level 3
Farming Colonia

Building Name

Farming Colonia

Level Name


Building Chain

Minor Settlement

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Technology

Distribution of Ager Publicus
Distribution of Ager Publicus


+3 Latin cultural influence (this_region)
-4 food (this_region)
+50% wealth from agriculture (regions_in_this_province)
200 wealth from subsistence (this_building)
+5 growth per turn (this_province)
+1 army recruitment capacity (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

80 Italian Horse Skirmishers
Italian Horse Skirmishers
Missile Cavalry
160 Centuriae
160 Centuriae
Spear Infantry
80 Eques
Melee Cavalry
120 Leves
120 Leves
Missile Infantry
160 Roman Swordsmen
160 Roman Swordsmen
160 Roman Swordsmen
Roman Swordsmen
Melee Infantry

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Latin Spearmen
Melee Infantry / Spear Infantry / (inv_rom_latin_spearmen)
Latin Spearmen
Oft-times, the common man fights for their home with nothing more than a simple spear.
160 250 250 9 25 5 15 10 45 40
160 Latin Tribesmen
Melee Infantry / Melee Infantry / (inv_rom_latin_tribesmen)
Latin Tribesmen
Warriors of Latium, ready to fight to the death in defence of their city-state.
160 190 190 10 34 5 5 10 40 40