Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Bruttii (Rise of the Republic) / 建筑 / Settlement (Olive Press)
Settlement (Olive Press) Bruttii (Rise of the Republic)Bruttii (Rise of the Republic) Olive Level 2

Settlement (Olive Press)

"These new millstones will give us a record yield."

The first cultivation of the olive tree possibly occurred on Crete around 2500BC. In Greek legend, the goddess Athena bestowed the gift of the olive tree on the people who named their city, Athens, after her, rather than the god Poseidon who only offered a well of saltwater. As such, the olive tree became hugely important to Hellenic culture - its leaves were used to crown athletes and Greeks rubbed the oil in before exercise and competition. Olive oil was exported to Egypt and Rome, and eventually all over the Mediterranean. Following Roman conquest, the olive tree and its branches were given to colonies to mark their surrender and the end of conflict. Rome’s expansion meant the trees spread further across the ancient world becoming, like wine and gold, a symbol of civilisation itself.

汉化补丁: 3DM蒹葭汉化组


Village (Olive Grove)
Village (Olive Grove)
Olive Level 0
Settlement (Olive Press)
Settlement (Olive Press)
Olive Level 1
Town (Mola Olearia)
Town (Mola Olearia)
Olive Level 2
Colonia (Olive Oil Trader)
Colonia (Olive Oil Trader)
Olive Level 3
Settlement (Olive Press)

Building Name

Settlement (Olive Press)

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



2粮食 (this_region)
农业生产125财富 (this_building)
农业与畜业产值+10% (所有区域)
每回合人口增长+2 (this_province)
每回合公共秩序+1 (this_province)
80橄榄油 (this_building)
[NOTDISPLAYED]Drivestheroadlevelsbetweensettlements (this_region)
边界外视野范围+12 (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

120 Italian Skirmishers
120 Italian Skirmishers
Italian Skirmishers
120 Italian Slingers
120 Italian Slingers
Italian Slingers
160 Italian Spearmen
160 Italian Spearmen
Italian Spearmen
160 Italian Swordsmen
160 Italian Swordsmen
160 Italian Swordsmen
Italian Swordsmen

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
120 Italian Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_ita_italic_slingers)
Italian Slingers
120 290 290 20 150 7 25 5 24 3 15 15 45 20
160 Italian Spearmen
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (inv_ita_italic_spearmen)
Italian Spearmen
160 300 300 5 25 3 60 40 50 25
80 Native Aequi Horsemen
骑兵 / 近战骑兵 / (inv_local_aequi_horsemen)
Native Aequi Horsemen
Arduous mountain terrain grants the rider a particular skill in combat.
80 550 550 35 25 40 60 15 75 20
160 Native Aequi Swordsmen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_aequi_swordsmen)
Native Aequi Swordsmen
Accomplished swordsmen, the Aequi are unafraid to face the Romans in battle.
160 600 600 45 39 15 45 40 60 20
80 African Cavalry
骑兵 / 远程骑兵 / (inv_local_african_cavalry)
African Cavalry
80 1000 1000 41 80 8 7 18 24 10 39 15 75 55
120 Native Iapygian Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_apulian_archers)
Native Iapygian Archers
Although developed for hunting food, the ancient art of archery has taken many a tribesman's life.
120 450 450 35 125 6 18 8 24 3 12 10 55 30
120 Native Iapygian Javelinmen
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_apulian_javelinmen)
Native Iapygian Javelinmen
120 500 500 32 80 7 7 18 34 10 40 40 50 40
120 Native Bruttii Slingers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_brutii_slingers)
Native Bruttii Slingers
120 350 350 20 150 7 25 15 34 5 10 10 50 30
160 Native Bruttii Tribesmen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_brutii_tribesmen)
Native Bruttii Tribesmen
One spear to hurl at the foe, and another to finish the job.
160 300 300 15 25 20 5 10 45 30
160 Native Carthaginian Infantry
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_carthaginian_infantry)
Native Carthaginian Infantry
160 500 500 25 36 10 40 65 50 35
160 Native Carthaginian Spearmen
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (inv_local_carthaginian_spearmen)
Native Carthaginian Spearmen
160 550 550 20 20 10 35 55 50 30
160 Native Etruscan Spearmen
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (inv_local_etruscan_spearmen)
Native Etruscan Spearmen
160 300 300 7 25 5 30 45 45 25
160 Native Gallic Axemen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_gallic_axemen)
Native Gallic Axemen
Their axes can crush armour as easily as chopping wood.
160 550 550 35 26 20 45 20 55 35
80 Native Gallic Horsemen
骑兵 / 近战骑兵 / (inv_local_gallic_horsemen)
Native Gallic Horsemen
Matchless Gallic fury strikes even harder from horseback.
80 500 500 25 27 30 10 10 65 25
120 Native Gallic Hunters
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_gallic_hunters)
Native Gallic Hunters
120 450 450 35 125 6 15 10 24 5 10 10 45 20
120 Native Greek Archers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_greek_archers)
Native Greek Archers
120 400 400 35 125 6 15 8 24 3 12 10 50 30
160 Native Greek Militia
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (inv_local_greek_militia)
Native Greek Militia
160 300 300 10 26 5 20 40 45 25
160 Native Latin Spearmen
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (inv_local_latin_spearmen)
Native Latin Spearmen
Oft-times, the common man fights for their home with nothing more than a simple spear.
160 200 200 9 25 5 30 45 45 40
160 Native Latin Tribesmen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_latin_tribesmen)
Native Latin Tribesmen
Warriors of Latium, ready to fight to the death in defence of their city-state.
160 190 190 10 34 5 5 10 40 40
120 Native Lucanian Ambushers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_lucanian_ambushers)
Native Lucanian Ambushers
120 680 680 32 80 7 7 35 34 10 40 55 55 40
160 Native Lucanian Warriors
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_lucanian_warriors)
Native Lucanian Warriors
Wild warriors from Italy's mountains, they fight with almost-animalistic strength.
160 700 700 40 35 20 30 55 55 40
120 Native Sabine Skirmishers
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_sabine_skirmishers)
Native Sabine Skirmishers
Many underestimate the javelin right up until it thuds into their sternum.
120 450 450 32 80 7 7 10 24 3 15 15 45 30
160 Native Sabine Warriors
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_sabine_warriors)
Native Sabine Warriors
These tribesmen from the Apennines have a score to settle with Rome.
160 400 400 15 34 10 15 15 50 30
160 Native Samnite Infantryman
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_samnite_infantryman)
Native Samnite Infantryman
Fighting in maniples does not require armour, only weapons and aggression.
160 400 400 25 34 10 12 30 50 30
120 Native Sardi Bowmen
远程步兵 / 远程步兵 / (inv_local_sardi_bowmen)
Native Sardi Bowmen
120 400 400 35 125 6 15 5 24 5 5 10 45 20
160 Native Sardi Hillmen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_sardi_hillmen)
Native Sardi Hillmen
160 250 250 10 34 5 10 10 45 20
160 Native Sicilian Tribesmen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_sicilian_tribesmen)
Native Sicilian Tribesmen
All tribesmen are peaceful until their homelands are threatened.
160 150 150 10 34 10 10 10 50 15
160 Native Tribeless Warriors
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_tribeless_warriors)
Native Tribeless Warriors
These warriors fight for no one - meaning all the spoils are theirs to keep.
160 150 150 20 34 20 5 0 55 30
160 Native Umbrian Hillmen
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_umbrian_hillmen)
Native Umbrian Hillmen
These mountainous people, in times of war, fight with tenacity to defend their homes.
160 300 300 5 34 3 60 40 50 30
160 Native Umbrian Spearmen
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (inv_local_umbrian_spearmen)
Native Umbrian Spearmen
A lack of experience does not mute the aggression of these spearmen.
160 350 350 5 25 3 60 40 50 30
80 Native Veneti Raiders
骑兵 / 远程骑兵 / (inv_local_veneti_raiders)
Native Veneti Raiders
Hit-and-run tactics work best when your steed is the fastest on the field.
80 650 650 29 80 7 7 10 38 10 45 40 90 20
160 Native Volsci Spearmen
近战步兵 / 枪步兵 / (inv_local_volsci_spearmen)
Native Volsci Spearmen
The Volsci's spears have struck many Italian hearts.
160 650 650 28 25 15 37 40 50 40
160 Native Volsci Warriors
近战步兵 / 近战步兵 / (inv_local_volsci_warriors)
Native Volsci Warriors
One of Rome's oldest enemies, the Volsci will fight as long and as hard as they must.
160 700 700 32 35 15 33 40 50 40