HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Roman Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) / Buildings / Altar of Jupiter
Altar of Jupiter Roman Pretenders (Rise of the Republic)Roman Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) Religious Level 2

Altar of Jupiter

Jupiter, king of the gods, watches over all men and judges their acts.

The temple to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Jupiter the Best and Greatest, was central to public religion in the city of Rome. Sacrifices were made there on many state occasions, and magistrates drew at least part of their authority from Jupiter. The god was an embodiment of much that was Roman, but he also was worshipped during the time of the Roman kings. This made Romans a little uneasy about his power during the Republican period, for they always had a suspicion of anything connected with kingship, even in something as Roman as their chief god. However, no Roman who wanted high office risked alienating or insulting Jupiter, at least in public. In a patriarchal society like Rome, where the power of the state was modelled on the power of a man as the head of household, it did not do at all to go against, or doubt portents from, the head of the divine household. If Jupiter threw a thunderbolt, all wise men paid attention!

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Consecrated Ground
Consecrated Ground
Religious Level 0
Altar of Ceres
Altar of Ceres
Religious Level 1
Shrine of Ceres
Shrine of Ceres
Religious Level 2
Temple of Ceres
Temple of Ceres
Religious Level 3
Altar of Jupiter
Altar of Jupiter
Religious Level 1
Shrine of Jupiter
Shrine of Jupiter
Religious Level 2
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Religious Level 3
Altar of Mars
Altar of Mars
Religious Level 1
Shrine of Mars
Shrine of Mars
Religious Level 2
Temple of Mars
Temple of Mars
Religious Level 3
Altar of Jupiter

Building Name

Altar of Jupiter

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



+4 ​ラ​テ​ン​文​化​の​影​響​力 (this_region)
-1 ​食​料 (this_region)
+6 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (this_province)
+2% ​研​究​速​度 (this_faction)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units