HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Gallic Roman Secessionists (Empire Divided) / Buildings / ​競​馬​場
​競​馬​場 Gallic Roman Secessionists (Empire Divided)Gallic Roman Secessionists (Empire Divided) ​公​共​広​場 Level 4


There is blood and glory on the sands, for all men to see.

The word amphitheatre means 'a theatre on both sides' and they developed from Greek circular theatres as venues for open air entertainment. Used for the richer members of the audience to show off to lesser folk, and to celebrate religious festivals, an amphitheatre's main purpose was as an arena for gladiatorial games. Blood became the staple entertainment of the Roman people. Every corner of the Empire from Britain to Syria had its amphitheatres, ranging in size from small wooden structures to the great Colosseum in Rome. Here the plebeians could be entertained, and watch gladiators demonstrating the Roman virtues of courage and fortitude, and enjoy the bloodlust, spectacle and cruelty. Amphitheatres were also important to the social order: events were often free, paid for by patrician aristocrats, the wealthy, and Emperors, all hoping for public support.

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​公​共​広​場 Level 0
​公​共​広​場 Level 1
​公​共​広​場 Level 2
​公​共​広​場 Level 3
​公​共​広​場 Level 1
​公​共​広​場 Level 2
​公​共​広​場 Level 3
​公​共​広​場 Level 1
​公​共​広​場 Level 2
​公​共​広​場 Level 3
​公​共​広​場 Level 4
​公​共​広​場 Level 4
​公​共​広​場 Level 1
​公​共​広​場 Level 2
​公​共​広​場 Level 3
​公​共​広​場 Level 1
​公​共​広​場 Level 2
​公​共​広​場 Level 1
​公​共​広​場 Level 2
​公​共​広​場 Level 3

Building Name


Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost


Require Resource



-8 ​食​料 (this_region)
200 ​娯​楽(​文​化)​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)
+24 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units