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Village (Murex Snail Farm) Gallic Roman Secessionists (Empire Divided)Gallic Roman Secessionists (Empire Divided) Purple Dye Level 1

Village (Murex Snail Farm)

"No need to kill it son, just annoy it enough to emit the dye".

Tyrian purple, also known as Imperial purple, was used to dye royal and ceremonial robes by the ancients as early as 1600BC. It was produced from various molluscs, notably the Murex, and was not only an extraordinary colour but was valued as it did not fade. Incredibly laborious to produce, Tyrian purple took some 12,000 shellfish to extract 1.5 grams of dye. The Phoenicians, whose name even derives from the Greek for purple, traded the dye all across the Mediterranean from cities such as Carthage. Later, of course, its production and dissemination was controlled by the Roman Empire.

繁體中文化: 巴哈姆特全軍破敵板

Purple Dye

Village (Murex Snail Farm)
Village (Murex Snail Farm)
Purple Dye Level 0
Settlement (Snail Vats)
Settlement (Snail Vats)
Purple Dye Level 1
Town (Dye Works)
Town (Dye Works)
Purple Dye Level 2
Colonia (Master Dye Works)
Colonia (Master Dye Works)
Purple Dye Level 3
Village (Murex Snail Farm)

Building Name

Village (Murex Snail Farm)

Level Name


Building Chain

Purple Dye

Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



+10% wealth from manufacturing (industry) (regions_in_this_province)
當地商業財富值200 (this_building)
+1每回合增長 (this_province)
+1每回合公共秩序 (所有行省)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units