HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Samnites (Samnite Wars) / Buildings / Shrine of Neptune
Shrine of Neptune Samnites (Samnite Wars)Samnites (Samnite Wars) Religious Level 2

Shrine of Neptune

Neptune, god of the sea, helps all sailors who properly honour him.

Neptune was not only a god of the seas, but of water generally. It was a foolish sailor who did not at least honour Neptune a little before embarking. The Mediterranean could be a treacherous sea, and ships could easily be carried away by currents and dashed to pieces on hidden shoals. Neptune, the brother of Jupiter, was quite definitely the 'King of the Sea' and therefore important to any Roman maritime ambitions. While it is tempting to see the Romans as a land power, much of their influence and success was based on naval strength in the Mediterranean world. The chief festival of Neptune, the Neptunalia, took place in the heat of summer at a time when the rivers in central Italy must have been at their lowest after winter and the spring thaw. This must have seemed an excellent time to celebrate Neptune’s bounty, if only to ensure more water in future months! Neptune was also the god of horse racing, which partly explains why dolphin-shaped markers showed the number of laps run in races at the Circus Maximus.


Consecrated Ground
Consecrated Ground
Religious Level 0
Shrine of Jupiter
Shrine of Jupiter
Religious Level 1
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Religious Level 2
Basilica of Jupiter
Basilica of Jupiter
Religious Level 3
Religious Level 4
Shrine of Mars
Shrine of Mars
Religious Level 1
Temple of Mars
Temple of Mars
Religious Level 2
Basilica of Mars
Basilica of Mars
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Minerva
Shrine of Minerva
Religious Level 1
Temple of Minerva
Temple of Minerva
Religious Level 2
Basilica of Minerva
Basilica of Minerva
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Neptune
Shrine of Neptune
Religious Level 1
Temple of Neptune
Temple of Neptune
Religious Level 2
Basilica of Neptune
Basilica of Neptune
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Vulcan
Shrine of Vulcan
Religious Level 1
Temple of Vulcan
Temple of Vulcan
Religious Level 2
Basilica of Vulcan
Basilica of Vulcan
Religious Level 3
Shrine of Neptune

Building Name

Shrine of Neptune

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



+3 Latin cultural influence (this_region)
+10% wealth from maritime commerce (regions_in_this_province)
+2 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
1 food (this_province)

Provides Garrison Army

No Garrison Units

Recruitable Units

No Recruitable Units