HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​オ​ク​タ​ウ​ィ​ア​ヌ​ス​支​配​領​ロー​マ (Imperator Augustus) / Buildings / ​集​落 (​大​規​模​ブ​ド​ウ​園)
​集​落 (​大​規​模​ブ​ド​ウ​園) ​オ​ク​タ​ウ​ィ​ア​ヌ​ス​支​配​領​ロー​マ (Imperator Augustus)​オ​ク​タ​ウ​ィ​ア​ヌ​ス​支​配​領​ロー​マ (Imperator Augustus) ​ワ​イ​ン Level 2

​集​落 (​大​規​模​ブ​ド​ウ​園)

A growing city is a thirsty city.

Wine has been a big part of western civilisations for thousands of years. The growing and fermenting of grapes began as early 7000BC in what is now the Caucasus. However, much of modern wine culture derives from the practices of the ancient Greeks. To the ancient peoples wine was not so much a pastime as a religion: the goddess Geshtinana in Egypt, Bacchus in Rome and Dionysus in Greece all looked over the produce of the fermented grape. Wherever the Romans conquered they also traded, settled and drank, which accounts for the great spread of viticulture throughout the empire years and the establishment of the major wine regions and grape varieties we know today. However the ancients would have thought us barbaric for drinking wine undiluted; a civilised culture always mixed at least one part wine to two parts water.

日本語化: JapanTotalWarとは


​村 (​ブ​ド​ウ​園)
​村 (​ブ​ド​ウ​園)
​ワ​イ​ン Level 0
​集​落 (​大​規​模​ブ​ド​ウ​園)
​集​落 (​大​規​模​ブ​ド​ウ​園)
​ワ​イ​ン Level 1
​町 (​ワ​イ​ン​醸​造​所)
​町 (​ワ​イ​ン​醸​造​所)
​ワ​イ​ン Level 2
​コ​ロ​ニ​ア (​大​規​模​ワ​イ​ン​醸​造​所)
​コ​ロ​ニ​ア (​大​規​模​ワ​イ​ン​醸​造​所)
​ワ​イ​ン Level 3
​集​落 (​大​規​模​ブ​ド​ウ​園)

Building Name

​集​落 (​大​規​模​ブ​ド​ウ​園)

Level Name


Building Chain


Building Level


Create Time


Create Cost



-1 ​食​料 (this_region)
+10% ​全​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (regions_in_this_province)
200 ​地​域​商​業​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)
+2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​発​展 (this_province)
+2 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安 (​全​て​の​州)
80 ​ワ​イ​ン (this_building)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
+12 ​国​境​の​視​界 (this_region)

Provides Garrison Army

160 Veteran Legionaries
Veteran Legionaries
160 Vigiles
160 Legionary Cohort
Legionary Cohort
120 Leves
120 Leves
120 Plebs
120 Plebs

Recruitable Units

Recruitable Units Lv. 0
No. Unit Sol. Costom Cost Recru. Cost Unkeep Cost Ship HP. Ship Spd. Msl. Dmg. Rng. Sht. /min Amo. Mle. Atk. Mle. Dmg. Chg. Mle. Def. Arm. HP. Mor.
160 Vigiles
Melee Infantry / ​槍​歩​兵 / (Emp_Rom_Vigiles)
These spear-armed garrison troops are also the town watch, riot squad and firemen.
160 200 200 13 25 11 54 45 45 30
120 Leves
Missile Infantry / ​飛​び​道​具​歩​兵 / (Rom_Leves)
Even a poor man can throw a javelin with skill.
120 200 200 29 80 7 7 5 24 3 37 15 45 20