Home导航 / Total War: Rome II / Garamantia (Empire Divided) / 建筑 / Mine 建筑
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Pit Mine Mine Level 1
Pit Mine
The extraction of useful metals directly powers an empire.
2 800 100 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
2 Trench Mine Mine Level 2
Trench Mine
Hills and valleys are cut open in large scale, open-air mining operations.
3 1300 150 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
每回合公共秩序-2 (this_province)
+1 squalor (this_region)
3 Shaft Mine Mine Level 3
Shaft Mine
Deep tunnels and shafts are dug to access rich ore deposits.
5 3000 300 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
每回合公共秩序-4 (this_province)
+3 squalor (this_region)
4 Sluiced Mine Mine Level 4
Sluiced Mine
Water is sluiced to power the mining and reveal ore veins.
8 5500 450 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
每回合公共秩序-8 (this_province)
+5 squalor (this_region)