Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Oretani (Hannibal at the Gates) / 建築 / Gold 建築
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Farmstead (Gold Mine) Gold Level 1
Farmstead (Gold Mine)
To uncover the earth’s most beauteous of gifts, one must delve deep.
2 1500 200 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
+5% wealth from mining (industry) (所有區域)
+1每回合增長 (this_province)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)
2 Village (Trench Mine) Gold Level 2
Village (Trench Mine)
Open-pit mining enables the land to be easily milked of its resources.
3 3600 -2食物 (this_region)
350 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
+10% wealth from mining (industry) (所有區域)
+2每回合增長 (this_province)
[NOTDISPLAYED]推動殖民地之間的道路水平 (this_region)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)
3 Town (Shaft Mine) Gold Level 3
Town (Shaft Mine)
Rich veins of ore can be accessed via deep tunnels and shafts.
5 6700 -4食物 (this_region)
500 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
+15% wealth from mining (industry) (所有區域)
+3每回合增長 (this_province)
[NOTDISPLAYED]推動殖民地之間的道路水平 (this_region)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)
4 Pagus (Sluiced Mine) Gold Level 4
Pagus (Sluiced Mine)
Controlling the flow of water scours the soil to reveal ore deposits.
8 12100 -8食物 (this_region)
700 wealth from mining (industry) (this_building)
+20% wealth from mining (industry) (所有區域)
從所有商業建築得到的財富+5% (regions_in_this_province)
+4每回合增長 (this_province)
[NOTDISPLAYED]推動殖民地之間的道路水平 (this_region)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)