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Dahae (Empire Divided) Dahae (Empire Divided) 建筑

Warrior Lodge 建筑

Warrior Lodge

Warrior Lodge
Meeting Ground
Proving Grounds
Hall of Champions
Meeting Hall
Mead Hall
Warrior Lodge
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Warrior Lodge Warrior Lodge Level 1
Warrior Lodge
Find your courage here, then take it to the battlefield.
2 800 文化生产50财富 (this_building)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
新募部队士气+5% (this_province)
2 Meeting Hall Warrior Lodge Level 2
Meeting Hall
3 1700 粮食-1 (this_region)
文化生产100财富 (this_building)
每回合公共秩序+2 (this_province)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
新募陆军部队冲锋加成+10% (this_province)
3 Meeting Ground Warrior Lodge Level 2
Meeting Ground
"Justice is the preserve of all. Now let us hear the complaint."
3 1100 粮食-1 (this_region)
文化生产100财富 (this_building)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
新募近战步兵近战攻击技能+10% (this_province)
新募近战步兵近战防御技能+10% (this_province)
4 Jeweller Warrior Lodge Level 2
A statement of personal power greater than the sword…
3 2300 手工业生产100财富 (this_building)
+10% wealth from mining (industry) (regions_in_this_province)
每回合公共秩序-2(肮脏) (this_province)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
新募部队士气+10% (this_province)
5 Tavern Warrior Lodge Level 3
5 4600 粮食-4 (this_region)
文化生产250财富 (this_building)
每回合公共秩序+4 (this_province)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
新募陆军部队冲锋加成+20% (this_province)
6 Proving Grounds Warrior Lodge Level 3
Proving Grounds
A proficient warrior bears scars before his first battle has begun.
5 1700 粮食-4 (this_region)
文化生产150财富 (this_building)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
新募近战步兵近战攻击技能+15% (this_province)
新募近战步兵近战防御技能+15% (this_province)
7 Enameller Warrior Lodge Level 3
Through which plain, dull metal can be transformed into a shimmering rainbow.
5 5200 手工业生产200财富 (this_building)
+20% wealth from mining (industry) (regions_in_this_province)
每回合公共秩序-4(肮脏) (this_province)
军队招募容量+1 (this_province)
新募部队士气+15% (this_province)
8 Mead Hall Warrior Lodge Level 4
Mead Hall
8 8900 粮食-8 (this_region)
文化生产400财富 (this_building)
每回合公共秩序+6 (this_province)
军队招募容量+2 (this_province)
新募陆军部队冲锋加成+30% (this_province)
9 Hall of Champions Warrior Lodge Level 4
Hall of Champions
When a great victory is won, the ancestors are honoured with a great feast.
8 5200 粮食-8 (this_region)
文化生产200财富 (this_building)
军队招募容量+2 (this_province)
新募近战步兵近战攻击技能+20% (this_province)
新募近战步兵近战防御技能+20% (this_province)
10 Goldsmith Warrior Lodge Level 4
8 9500 手工业生产300财富 (this_building)
+30% wealth from mining (industry) (regions_in_this_province)
每回合公共秩序-8(肮脏) (this_province)
军队招募容量+2 (this_province)
新募部队士气+20% (this_province)