HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Gerrhea (Imperator Augustus) / Buildings / Religious Buildings
Gerrhea (Imperator Augustus) Gerrhea (Imperator Augustus) Buildings

Religious Buildings


Fire Altar
Fire Temple
Temple of Great Fires
Royal Sanctuary
Royal Tombs
Royal Mausoleum
Tower of Silence
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Shrine Religious Level 1
Belief and faith bring a people together in common cause.
2 700 +2 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
+2 public order per turn (this_province)
2 Tower of Silence Religious Level 2
Tower of Silence
The dead must not sully earth, fire or water.
3 1400 +3 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-1 food (this_region)
+4 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+2 public order (this_province)
3 Royal Sanctuary Religious Level 2
Royal Sanctuary
A shrine to honoured ancestors and rulers, and a reminder of history.
3 1900 +4 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-1 food (this_region)
100 wealth from learning (culture) (this_building)
+2 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+5% wealth generated by all commerce buildings (this_province)
4 Fire Altar Religious Level 2
Fire Altar
The purity of fire warms the spirit and the heart.
3 1200 +2 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-1 food (this_region)
+5% wealth from culture (regions_in_this_province)
+3 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+10% wealth generated by cultural buildings (this_province)
5 Ossuary Religious Level 3
The bones of the ancestors should be properly reverenced.
5 2700 +4 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-4 food (this_region)
+8 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+4 public order (this_province)
6 Royal Tombs Religious Level 3
Royal Tombs
Even in death, power is a statement to the people.
5 3900 +6 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-4 food (this_region)
200 wealth from learning (culture) (this_building)
+2 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+10% wealth generated by all commerce buildings (this_province)
7 Fire Temple Religious Level 3
Fire Temple
The sacred flame holds back the night and disorder.
5 1700 +2 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-3 food (this_region)
+10% wealth from culture (regions_in_this_province)
+4 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+20% wealth generated by cultural buildings (this_province)
8 Astudan Religious Level 4
A place of bones, where the dead return to the elements.
8 5600 +5 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-8 food (this_region)
+16 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+6 public order (this_province)
9 Royal Mausoleum Religious Level 4
Royal Mausoleum
For great rulers, death is a reminder of greatness.
8 8000 +8 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-8 food (this_region)
400 wealth from learning (culture) (this_building)
+2 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+20% wealth generated by all commerce buildings (this_province)
10 Temple of Great Fires Religious Level 4
Temple of Great Fires
A beacon in the darkness, bringing light and order to the world.
8 2300 +2 Eastern cultural influence (this_region)
-6 food (this_region)
+20% wealth from culture (regions_in_this_province)
+5 public order per turn (this_province)
Bread and Games Edict:
+30% wealth generated by cultural buildings (this_province)