HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Persia (Imperator Augustus) / Buildings / Tax Buildings
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Courier Post Tax Level 1
Courier Post
Tax collectors are the blood pumping through the veins of empire.
2 600 +1 security against all agent actions (attribute bonus) (this_province)
+1 rank for spies upon recruitment (this_province)
+2% tax rate (this_province)
2 Tax Office Tax Level 2
Tax Office
“No harvest this year? That’s fine, we’ll take a daughter.”
3 1000 2 food (this_region)
+1 rank for dignitaries upon recruitment (this_province)
+4% tax rate (this_province)
3 Courier Station Tax Level 2
Courier Station
The collection of taxes is prioritised for good reason.
3 1100 +2 security against all agent actions (attribute bonus) (this_province)
+2 public order per turn (this_province)
+2 rank for spies upon recruitment (this_province)
+3% tax rate (this_province)
4 Tax Inspectors Tax Level 3
Tax Inspectors
“Who would you rather see coming, me or the raiders the empire protects you from?”
5 1800 4 food (this_region)
+2 rank for dignitaries upon recruitment (this_province)
+6% tax rate (this_province)
5 Chapa Khaneh Tax Level 3
Chapa Khaneh
A world without tax is a world without order.
5 1800 +3 security against all agent actions (attribute bonus) (this_province)
+3 public order per turn (this_province)
+3 rank for spies upon recruitment (this_province)
+4% tax rate (this_province)
6 Royal Inspectors Tax Level 4
Royal Inspectors
"Every breath wasted talking is worth more than your entire farm."
8 2900 6 food (this_region)
+3 rank for dignitaries upon recruitment (this_province)
+8% tax rate (this_province)
7 Royal Road Tax Level 4
Royal Road
When the king's coffers are empty, everyone suffers.
8 2900 +4 security against all agent actions (attribute bonus) (this_province)
+4 public order per turn (this_province)
+4 rank for spies upon recruitment (this_province)
+5% tax rate (this_province)