HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Spartan Secessionists (Wrath of Sparta) / Buildings / Horse Buildings
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Village (Horse Trainers) Horse Level 1
Village (Horse Trainers)
Only a horse is worth more broken.
2 1000 100 wealth from livestock (agriculture) (this_building)
+1 growth per turn (this_province)
Level I horses (+5% cavalry speed) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)
2 Town (Horse Breeders) Horse Level 2
Town (Horse Breeders)
Without selective breeding, heavy cavalry would not exist.
3 2100 -2 food (this_region)
200 wealth from livestock (agriculture) (this_building)
+2 growth per turn (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
Level II horses (+10% cavalry speed) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)
3 Colony (Master Horse Breeders) Horse Level 3
Colony (Master Horse Breeders)
Noble breeds for those of noble blood.
5 3900 -6 food (this_region)
300 wealth from livestock (agriculture) (this_building)
+3 growth per turn (this_province)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
Level III horses (+20% cavalry speed) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)