HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​エ​ジ​プ​ト​貴​族 (Imperator Augustus) / Buildings / ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Buildings
​エ​ジ​プ​ト​貴​族 (Imperator Augustus) ​エ​ジ​プ​ト​貴​族 (Imperator Augustus) Buildings

​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Buildings

​軍​事 (​徴​兵)

​軍​事 (​徴​兵)
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 ​招​集​所 ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 1
Citizens, subject troops, conscripts and levies muster here for drill and war.
2 900
2 ​ペ​リ​オ​イ​コ​イ​野​営​地 ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 2
Allies and mercenary troops must be mustered and brought to order.
3 1300 -1 ​食​料 (this_region)
3 ​ホ​ロ​シ​デ​ロ​ス​兵​舎 ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 2
Hastily-erected camps familiarise levied citizens or subjects with the ways of war.
3 1400 -1 ​食​料 (this_region)
4 ​散​兵​野​営​地 ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 3
There is an art to skirmishing that requires practice.
5 1700 -3 ​食​料 (this_region)
-5% ​傭​兵​の​雇​用​費 (your_characters_in_this_province)
+1 ​陸​軍​徴​兵​キ​ャ​パ​シ​テ​ィ (this_province)
5 ​ホ​プ​リ​タ​イ​兵​舎 ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 3
These buildings allow the spear drill training of citizens or subjects.
5 2100 -4 ​食​料 (this_region)
+1 ​陸​軍​徴​兵​キ​ャ​パ​シ​テ​ィ (this_province)
6 ​傭​兵​野​営​地 ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 4
Professional mercenaries can supplement the ranks of citizen soldiers.
8 2000 -6 ​食​料 (this_region)
-10% ​傭​兵​の​雇​用​費 (your_characters_in_this_province)
+1 ​陸​軍​徴​兵​キ​ャ​パ​シ​テ​ィ (this_province)
7 ​王​室​兵​舎 ​軍​事 (​徴​兵) Level 4
The training and quartering of elite troops requires the proper surroundings.
8 3300 -8 ​食​料 (this_region)
+1 ​陸​軍​徴​兵​キ​ャ​パ​シ​テ​ィ (this_province)