Home家園 / Total War: Rome II / Samnites (Rise of the Republic) / 建築 / Horse 建築
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Village (Horse Trainers) Horse Level 1
Village (Horse Trainers)
Only a horse is worth more broken.
2 1000 畜牧業獲得的財富100 (this_building)
+1每回合增長 (this_province)
80 horses (this_building)
戰馬等級一(+5%騎兵速度)招募時即得到 (所有行省)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)
2 Town (Horse Breeders) Horse Level 2
Town (Horse Breeders)
Without selective breeding, heavy cavalry would not exist.
3 2100 -2食物 (this_region)
畜牧業獲得的財富150 (this_building)
+2每回合增長 (this_province)
120 horses (this_building)
[NOTDISPLAYED]推動殖民地之間的道路水平 (this_region)
等級II馬匹(騎兵速度+10%)在招募新兵上 (所有行省)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)
3 Colonia (Master Horse Breeders) Horse Level 3
Colonia (Master Horse Breeders)
Noble breeds for those of noble blood.
5 3900 -6食物 (this_region)
畜牧業獲得的財富200 (this_building)
+3每回合增長 (this_province)
160 horses (this_building)
[NOTDISPLAYED]推動殖民地之間的道路水平 (this_region)
戰馬等級三(+20%騎兵速度)招募時即得到 (所有行省)
+12跨國界的視線 (this_region)