HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / Tarchuna Pretenders (Rise of the Republic) / Buildings / Iron Buildings
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 Village (Iron Workshop) Iron Level 1
Village (Iron Workshop)
"Bronze? Pah! Bronze is for children!"
2 1000 100 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)
+1 growth per turn (this_province)
50 iron (this_building)
Level I armour (+5% armour) upon recruitment (all provinces)
Level I weapons (+5% melee attack) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)
2 Town (Blacksmith) Iron Level 2
Town (Blacksmith)
"His work is unrivalled… they say he has a little of Vulcan in him."
3 2500 -2 food (this_region)
200 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)
+2 growth per turn (this_province)
100 iron (this_building)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
Level I armour (+5% armour) upon recruitment (all provinces)
Level II weapons (+10% melee attack) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)
3 Town (Shieldmaker) Iron Level 2
Town (Shieldmaker)
A good shield defends. An excellent shield is a weapon in itself.
3 2500 -2 food (this_region)
200 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)
+2 growth per turn (this_province)
100 iron (this_building)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
Level II armour (+10% armour) upon recruitment (all provinces)
Level II shields (+10% shield effectiveness) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)
4 Colonia (Weaponsmith) Iron Level 3
Colonia (Weaponsmith)
There is a line between craft and art which the greatest smiths straddle.
5 3500 -6 food (this_region)
250 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)
+3 growth per turn (this_province)
150 iron (this_building)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
Level I armour (+5% armour) upon recruitment (all provinces)
Level III weapons (+20% melee attack) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)
5 Colonia (Armourer) Iron Level 3
Colonia (Armourer)
There is a line between craft and art which the greatest smiths straddle.
5 3500 -6 food (this_region)
250 wealth from manufacturing (industry) (this_building)
+3 growth per turn (this_province)
150 iron (this_building)
[NOT DISPLAYED] Drives the road levels between settlements (this_region)
Level III armour (+20% armour) upon recruitment (all provinces)
Level III shields (+20% shield effectiveness) upon recruitment (all provinces)
+12 line of sight across borders (this_region)