HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​オ​ク​タ​ウ​ィ​ア​ヌ​ス​支​配​領​ロー​マ (Imperator Augustus) / Buildings / ​軍​事 (​攻​城) Buildings
​軍​事 (​攻​城)
No. Building Create Time Create Cost Effects Garrison Units Recruitable Units
1 ​工​房 ​軍​事 (​攻​城) Level 1
The gods favour men who can craft wood and iron to cunning purpose.
2 1100 50 ​製​造​業(​工​業)​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)
2 ​野​戦​工​兵​の​工​房 ​軍​事 (​攻​城) Level 2
Soldiers use shovels as often as swords, assuming they want to win.
3 2200 100 ​製​造​業(​工​業)​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)
-3 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安(​不​衛​生) (this_province)
3 ​攻​城​技​師​の​工​房 ​軍​事 (​攻​城) Level 3
No wall is impregnable if a man thinks long and hard, and possesses the right tools.
5 3500 150 ​製​造​業(​工​業)​に​よ​る​収​入 (this_building)
-6 ​ター​ン​毎​の​治​安(​不​衛​生) (this_province)