HomeHome / Total War: Rome II / ​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta) Wrath of Sparta

​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)

Campaign Map

​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)

Faction Name

​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)







Military Group


Faction Group


Faction Group

Greek Greek
The world-renowned culture of the Greeks was built upon hard toil, keen thinking and military excellence.
​奴​隷: 50% ​奴​隷​人​口​の​減​少​率​が​低​下
​奴​隷: -85% ​奴​隷​に​よ​る​不​満​と​奴​隷​が​生​み​出​す​収​入

Political Parties

Agiads Agiads
The Agiads are descended from Eurysthenes, one of the Heracleidae. His son, Agis I, was the first of his line to co-rule Sparta alongside the Eurypontids.
Playable: True
Initial Power: 52
​ヘ​イ​ロ​タ​イ: ​奴​隷​か​ら​の​収​入 +100%
​ス​パ​ル​テ​ィ​ア​タ​イ: ​全​ス​パ​ル​タ​人​部​隊​の​経​験​値 +3
[NOT DISPLAYED] adds subsistence wealth to faction capital only / scope: faction
Disciples of Apollo Disciples of Apollo
Procles - twin brother of Eurysthenes, from whom the Agiads claim descent - was also of the Heracleidae. His son, Eurypon, founded the Eurypontid dynasty of Spartan co-rulers.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 48
No Effect
Disciples of Ares Disciples of Ares
Procles - twin brother of Eurysthenes, from whom the Agiads claim descent - was also of the Heracleidae. His son, Eurypon, founded the Eurypontid dynasty of Spartan co-rulers.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 48
No Effect
Disciples of Athena Disciples of Athena
Procles - twin brother of Eurysthenes, from whom the Agiads claim descent - was also of the Heracleidae. His son, Eurypon, founded the Eurypontid dynasty of Spartan co-rulers.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 48
No Effect
Eurypontids Eurypontids
Procles - twin brother of Eurysthenes, from whom the Agiads claim descent - was also of the Heracleidae. His son, Eurypon, founded the Eurypontid dynasty of Spartan co-rulers.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 48
No Effect
Disciples of Hera Disciples of Hera
Procles - twin brother of Eurysthenes, from whom the Agiads claim descent - was also of the Heracleidae. His son, Eurypon, founded the Eurypontid dynasty of Spartan co-rulers.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 48
No Effect
Disciples of Poseidon Disciples of Poseidon
Procles - twin brother of Eurysthenes, from whom the Agiads claim descent - was also of the Heracleidae. His son, Eurypon, founded the Eurypontid dynasty of Spartan co-rulers.
Playable: False
Initial Power: 48
No Effect
160 Royal Spartans
Royal Spartans
120 Helot Archers
Helot Archers
120 Helot Javelinmen
Helot Javelinmen
120 Helot Slingers
Helot Slingers
160 Perioikoi Hoplites
Perioikoi Hoplites
160 Royal Spartans
Royal Spartans
160 Skiritai
160 Spartan Hoplites
Spartan Hoplites
160 Spartan Youths
Spartan Youths
80 Hippeus
80 Light Cavalry
Light Cavalry
80 Trieres - Spartan Marines
Trieres - Spartan Marines
80 Trieres - Spartan Marines
Trieres - Spartan Marines
60 Dieres - Spartan Archer Marines
Dieres - Spartan Archer Marines
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​イ​ト​リ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​コ​リ​ン​ト​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​コ​リ​ン​ト​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​コ​リ​ン​ト​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​ル​ゴ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​コ​リ​ン​ト​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​ル​ゴ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​メ​ロ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ボ​イ​オー​テ​ィ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ボ​イ​オー​テ​ィ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ボ​イ​オー​テ​ィ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ロー​ド​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ロー​ド​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​ロー​ド​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​エ​リ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​エ​リ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​カ​イ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​エ​ペ​イ​ロ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​エ​ペ​イ​ロ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​エ​ペ​イ​ロ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​コ​ル​キ​ュ​ラ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ビ​ュ​ザ​ン​テ​ィ​オ​ン (Wrath of Sparta)
​ト​ラ​キ​ア (Wrath of Sparta)
​ビ​ュ​ザ​ン​テ​ィ​オ​ン (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​コ​リ​ン​ト​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ゴ​ル​テ​ュ​ン (Wrath of Sparta)
​ク​ノ​ッ​ソ​ス (Wrath of Sparta)
​キ​ュ​ド​ニ​ア (Wrath of Sparta)
​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ス​パ​ル​タ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​マ​ケ​ド​ニ​ア (Wrath of Sparta)
​マ​ケ​ド​ニ​ア (Wrath of Sparta)
​マ​ケ​ド​ニ​ア (Wrath of Sparta)
​マ​ケ​ド​ニ​ア (Wrath of Sparta)
​イ​オ​ニ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ペ​ル​シ​ア​帝​国 (Wrath of Sparta)
​テ​ッ​サ​リ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​テ​ッ​サ​リ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​テ​ッ​サ​リ​ア​同​盟 (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)
​ア​テ​ナ​イ (Wrath of Sparta)