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Cadurci (Caesar in Gaul) Cadurci (Caesar in Gaul) Skills & Traditions

General Skills

Generals and admirals are used to command armies and fleets in battle. Their command rating influences the effectiveness with which their army or fleet fights. Generals can be assigned useful skills and household members or objects as they gain experience in battle and increase in rank. They can also be assigned Cursus Honorum offices to convey additional bonuses.

General Background Skills
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
1 (general_background_non_roman_public_justice)
If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
2 (general_background_non_roman_personal_authority)
This man's long-accumulated prestige enables him to influence those around him.[FEM]This woman's long-accumulated prestige enables her to influence those around her.
Level 1 Rank 0 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
+5% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
+10% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
+15% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
3 (general_background_non_roman_public_luck)
Good fortune has a way of marking some men.
Level 1 Rank 0 +5% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
+5% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (army only)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +10% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
+10% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (army only)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +15% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
+15% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (army only)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
4 (general_background_non_roman_personal_courage)
This person has the morals of a true warrior.
Level 1 Rank 0 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
+1 public order (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
+2 public order (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
+3 public order (local province)
5 (general_background_non_roman_public_mirth)
"I like a titter. But there are limits..."
Level 1 Rank 0 +5% wealth from culture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 public order (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 +10% wealth from culture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 public order (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 +15% wealth from culture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 public order (local province)
6 (general_background_non_roman_personal_dignity)
Reputation and influence are entirely worthy in this person's case.
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 authority (this_general)
7 (general_background_non_roman_public_modesty)
Modesty is a becoming trait in beautiful women, and those in high office.
Level 1 Rank 0 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 cunning (this_general)
-2% construction costs (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
-4% construction costs (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
-6% construction costs (local province)
8 (general_background_non_roman_personal_dutifulness)
This person respects the natural order of things, and knows their place precisely.
Level 1 Rank 0 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
+10% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
+20% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
+30% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
9 (general_background_non_roman_public_nobility)
Blood will out.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% provincial capital main building construction costs (local province)
+3% tax rate (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% provincial capital main building construction costs (local province)
+6% tax rate (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% provincial capital main building construction costs (local province)
+9% tax rate (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
10 (general_background_non_roman_personal_fortitude)
Bravery on the battlefield is worthy.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% military building construction costs (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% military building construction costs (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% military building construction costs (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
11 (general_background_non_roman_public_peace)
Peace with honour honours all.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
-20% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
-40% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
-60% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
12 (general_background_non_roman_personal_frugality)
This person is properly frugal in all things, but never mean.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% upkeep for all land units (this_general_force)
-10% upkeep for all ships (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% upkeep for all land units (this_general_force)
-20% upkeep for all ships (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% upkeep for all land units (this_general_force)
-30% upkeep for all ships (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
13 (general_background_non_roman_public_plenty)
"Look, we make the pie bigger, then everyone can have some… No. It's not a real pie."
Level 1 Rank 0 1 food (local province)
+1 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 2 food (local province)
+2 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 3 food (local province)
+3 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
14 (general_background_non_roman_personal_gravity)
When this person speaks others listen. Carefully.
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 gravitas per turn (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 gravitas per turn (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
15 (general_background_non_roman_public_prosperity)
"I do only what any good man would."
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% city centre building construction costs (local province)
+5% wealth from all commerce (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% city centre building construction costs (local province)
+10% wealth from all commerce (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% city centre building construction costs (local province)
+15% wealth from all commerce (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
16 (general_background_non_roman_personal_humanity)
This person persuades by example, not words.
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 public order (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 public order (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 public order (local province)
17 (general_background_non_roman_public_spirit)
This person is the embodiment of all that is good and true in men.
Level 1 Rank 0 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
+1 cunning (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
18 (general_background_non_roman_personal_humour)
An open, friendly manner puts all who deal with this person at ease.
Level 1 Rank 0 +5% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 public order (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 +10% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 public order (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 +15% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 public order (local province)
19 (general_background_non_roman_public_wealth)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with money when it serves the common good.
Level 1 Rank 0 +5% wealth from all sources (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +10% wealth from all sources (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +15% wealth from all sources (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
20 (general_background_non_roman_personal_industriousness)
This person works hard every hour the gods send.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% industry building construction costs (local province)
+5% wealth from industry (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% industry building construction costs (local province)
+10% wealth from industry (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% industry building construction costs (local province)
+15% wealth from industry (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
21 (general_background_non_roman_personal_mercy)
This man's humanity and forbearance are considered by all to be great virtues.
Level 1 Rank 0 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+10% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
+10% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
Level 2 Rank 3 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+20% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
+20% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
Level 3 Rank 5 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+30% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
+30% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
22 (general_background_non_roman_personal_prudence)
Experience tempers this man's actions.
Level 1 Rank 0 -5% chance of success for hostile actions (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -10% chance of success for hostile actions (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -15% chance of success for hostile actions (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
23 (general_background_non_roman_personal_respectability)
This person's upstanding decency banishes any hint of corruption.
Level 1 Rank 0 -1% corruption (this_faction)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -2% corruption (this_faction)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -3% corruption (this_faction)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
24 (general_background_non_roman_personal_sternness)
Self-control grants control of many things.
Level 1 Rank 0 -5% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -10% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -15% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
25 (general_background_non_roman_personal_tenacity)
If you cut him with a knife, he'll come back with a spear. He'll keep coming until one of you is dust.
Level 1 Rank 0 +10% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +20% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +30% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
26 (general_background_non_roman_personal_truthfulness)
Honesty is this man's watchword.[FEM]Honesty is this woman's watchword.
Level 1 Rank 0 +2 cultural influence (this_general)
-1% corruption (this_faction)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +4 cultural influence (this_general)
-2% corruption (this_faction)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +6 cultural influence (this_general)
-3% corruption (this_faction)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
27 (general_background_non_roman_personal_wholesomeness)
This man's body is a temple, inside and out.
Level 1 Rank 0 +10% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +20% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +30% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
28 (general_background_non_roman_public_agriculture)
The plough is mightier than the sword.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% agriculture building construction costs (local province)
+5% wealth from agriculture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% agriculture building construction costs (local province)
+10% wealth from agriculture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% agriculture building construction costs (local province)
+15% wealth from agriculture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
29 (general_background_non_roman_public_clemency)
Mercy in a conqueror is always strength.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+10% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+20% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+30% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
30 (general_background_non_roman_public_confidence)
I will have my way, in this life or the next.
Level 1 Rank 0 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
+1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
31 (general_background_non_roman_public_dutifulness)
This reverent man is seen to obey the gods in all things.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% religious building construction costs (local province)
+5% wealth from culture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% religious building construction costs (local province)
+10% wealth from culture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% religious building construction costs (local province)
+15% wealth from culture (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
32 (general_background_non_roman_public_endurance)
A firm hand on the tiller of the ship of state.
Level 1 Rank 0 +2 cultural conversion (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +4 cultural conversion (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +6 cultural conversion (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_general)
33 (general_background_non_roman_public_fair)
"A fair shake all round, that's what I say. Unusual, isn't it?"
Level 1 Rank 0 -1% corruption (this_faction)
-20% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -2% corruption (this_faction)
-40% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -3% corruption (this_faction)
-60% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
34 (general_background_non_roman_public_faith)
My word is my bond. Backed by my sword.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% religious building construction costs (local province)
+5% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% religious building construction costs (local province)
+10% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% religious building construction costs (local province)
+15% morale for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
35 (general_background_non_roman_public_forethought)
Fate has fired many arrows at this man, and he had dodged them all.
Level 1 Rank 0 +10% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +20% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +30% chance of evading enemy agents (this_general)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
36 (general_background_non_roman_public_fortune)
Luck is not enough. You must use luck when it comes.
Level 1 Rank 0 +10% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_general)
+5% chance of successfully launching an ambush (army only)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +20% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_general)
+10% chance of successfully launching an ambush (army only)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +30% chance of wounding enemy agents in self-defence (this_general)
+15% chance of successfully launching an ambush (army only)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
37 (general_background_non_roman_public_freedom)
"You are free to do as you please. And I am free to stop you."
Level 1 Rank 0 -20% slave unrest (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 -40% slave unrest (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 -60% slave unrest (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
38 (general_background_non_roman_public_giving)
Generosity adds to a man's popularity.
Level 1 Rank 0 +1 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
-2% construction costs (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
-4% construction costs (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
-6% construction costs (local province)
39 (general_background_non_roman_public_harmony)
Unity among the people pleases the gods.
Level 1 Rank 0 +2 cultural conversion (local province)
-20% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +4 cultural conversion (local province)
-40% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +6 cultural conversion (local province)
-60% public order penalties due to local presence of foreign cultures (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
40 (general_background_non_roman_public_hope)
The gods will look after the people. They always do.
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% religious building construction costs (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+2 public order (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% religious building construction costs (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% religious building construction costs (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+6 public order (local province)
41 (general_background_non_roman_public_joy)
"Crisis? What crisis?"
Level 1 Rank 0 -10% city centre building construction costs (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
+2 public order (local province)
Level 2 Rank 3 -20% city centre building construction costs (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3 Rank 5 -30% city centre building construction costs (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally" (this_general)
+6 public order (local province)
General Skills
No. Skill Name Level Unlocked at Rank Effects
42 (general_bard_1)
Only a mouthful can silence the expressive mind.
Level 1 Rank 1 +3% morale for all units during battles against non-Barbarian states (this_force)
+1 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +6% morale for all units during battles against non-Barbarian states (this_force)
+2 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+3 growth per turn (local province)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +9% morale for all units during battles against non-Barbarian states (this_force)
+3 gravitas per turn (this_general)
+6 growth per turn (local province)
Enables ability: "Inspire (Group)" (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
43 (general_strategist_1)
"It is more advantageous to overcome the enemy by cunning... than by force."
Level 1 Rank 1 +1 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
+2% melee defence skill for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Brace" (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
+4% melee defence skill for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Push" (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
44 (general_warmonger_1)
"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer."
Level 1 Rank 1 +1 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
+1 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 3 +2 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
+2% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
+2% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 5 +3 gravitas per turn (this_agent)
+4% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
+4% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "War Cry" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
45 (general_warmonger_2_marine)
A steady shot on rough seas is a rare treasure.
Level 1 Rank 2 +10% ramming bonus for all units (fleet only)
+2 zeal (when admiral)
Level 2 Rank 4 +4% melee attack skill for all units (fleet only)
+4% shots per minute for all units (fleet only)
+20% ramming bonus for all units (fleet only)
+3 zeal (when admiral)
Level 3 Rank 6 +8% melee attack skill for all units (fleet only)
+8% shots per minute for all units (fleet only)
+30% ramming bonus for all units (fleet only)
+4 zeal (when admiral)
46 (general_raven_2)
With the wings of a bird and the wits of a man.
Level 1 Rank 2 +5% campaign map movement range (this_force)
+5% reinforcement range (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 4 +10 line of sight (this_general)
+10% campaign map movement range (this_force)
+10% reinforcement range (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 6 +20 line of sight (this_general)
+15% campaign map movement range (this_force)
+15% reinforcement range (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
47 (general_commander_barb_2_infantry)
Infantry Command
"Learn to obey before you learn to command."
Level 1 Rank 2 +2 experience rank(s) for infantry recruits (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 4 +3 experience rank(s) for infantry recruits (this_general)
+6% melee attack skill for all infantry units (this_general_force)
+3% missile attack range for all infantry units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Raise Banner" (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 6 +4 experience rank(s) for infantry recruits (this_general)
+12% melee attack skill for all infantry units (this_general_force)
+6% missile attack range for all infantry units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Raise Banner" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Rally & Inspire" (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
48 (general_strategist_2_tactician)
"Pay proper attention, and the nature of the ground is a fundamental factor in victory."
Level 1 Rank 2 +8% campaign map movement range (when general)
+2 cunning (when general)
Level 2 Rank 4 +16% campaign map movement range (when general)
+4% melee defence skill for all units (army only)
+3 cunning (when general)
Level 3 Rank 6 +24% campaign map movement range (when general)
+8% melee defence skill for all units (army only)
Enables ability: "Second Wind" (this_general)
+4 cunning (when general)
49 (general_strategist_2_navigator)
A carefully planned route saves lives.
Level 1 Rank 2 +8% campaign map movement range (when admiral)
+2 cunning (when admiral)
Level 2 Rank 4 +16% campaign map movement range (when admiral)
+4% melee defence skill for all units (fleet only)
+3 cunning (when admiral)
Level 3 Rank 6 +24% campaign map movement range (when admiral)
+8% melee defence skill for all units (fleet only)
+4 cunning (when admiral)
50 (general_warmonger_2_soldier)
Good soldiers know much of the world and, most importantly, their place in it.
Level 1 Rank 2 +10% charge bonus for all units (army only)
+2 zeal (when general)
Level 2 Rank 4 +20% charge bonus for all units (army only)
+4% melee attack skill for all units (army only)
+4% shots per minute for all units (army only)
+3 zeal (when general)
Level 3 Rank 6 +30% charge bonus for all units (army only)
+8% melee attack skill for all units (army only)
+8% shots per minute for all units (army only)
+4 zeal (when general)
51 (general_warmonger_3_defence)
The general is the principal sentinel of his army. He should always be careful of its preservation and see that it is never exposed to misfortune.[FEM]The general is the principal sentinel of her army. She should always be careful of its preservation and see that it is never exposed to misfortune.
Level 1 Rank 3 +1 zeal (this_general)
+10% morale for all units during defensive battles (this_general_force)
Level 2 Rank 5 +2 zeal (this_general)
+6% melee defence skill for all units (this_general_force)
+3% attack range for all missile infantry and cavalry units (this_general_force)
+20% morale for all units during defensive battles (this_general_force)
Level 3 Rank 7 +3 zeal (this_general)
+12% melee defence skill for all units (this_general_force)
+6% attack range for all missile infantry and cavalry units (this_general_force)
+30% morale for all units during defensive battles (this_general_force)
52 (general_wolf_3)
A lone wolf with a heart of stone, eager to outstand to survive.
Level 1 Rank 3 +5% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_force)
+5% morale for all units during night battles (this_force)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +10% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_force)
+5% melee attack skill for all units (this_force)
+10% morale for all units during night battles (this_force)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +15% chance of successfully launching an ambush (this_force)
+10% melee attack skill for all units (this_force)
+15% morale for all units during night battles (this_force)
+3 authority (this_general)
53 (general_commander_3_cavalry)
Cavalry Command
"The horse is the strength of the army."
Level 1 Rank 3 +2 experience rank(s) for cavalry recruits (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +12% charge bonus for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
+6% shots per minute rate for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
+3 experience rank(s) for cavalry recruits (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 Enables ability: "Fast Charge" (this_general)
+24% charge bonus for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
+12% shots per minute rate for all cavalry units (this_general_force)
+4 experience rank(s) for cavalry recruits (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
54 (general_strategist_3_logistics)
Proper planning and preparation prevents a poor performance.
Level 1 Rank 3 +4% replenishment rate for all units (this_general_force)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +8% replenishment rate for all units (this_general_force)
+10% ammunition for all units (this_general_force)
+8% armour for all units (this_general_force)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +12% replenishment rate for all units (this_general_force)
+25% ammunition for all units (this_general_force)
+16% armour for all units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Battle Rhythm" (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
55 (general_scout_2)
Good surveillance is half a battle won.
Level 1 Rank 3 +4% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (this_force)
+5 line of sight (this_general)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +8% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (this_force)
+10 line of sight (this_general)
+5% movement speed for all light cavalry units (this_force)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +12% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (this_force)
+15 line of sight (this_general)
+10% movement speed for all light cavalry units (this_force)
+3 cunning (this_general)
56 (general_warmonger_3_offense)
"Don't just stand there! Attack!"
Level 1 Rank 3 +1 zeal (this_general)
+10% morale for all units during offensive battles (army only)
Level 2 Rank 5 +2 zeal (this_general)
+6% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
+6% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
+20% morale for all units during offensive battles (army only)
Enables ability: "Into The Breach" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +3 zeal (this_general)
+12% melee attack skill for all units (this_general_force)
+12% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
+30% morale for all units during offensive battles (army only)
Enables ability: "Into The Breach" (this_general)
57 (general_warmonger_3_virtue)
A virtuous person can be relied upon to do their duty.
Level 1 Rank 3 +1 zeal (this_general)
+2 public order (local province)
Level 2 Rank 5 -20% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
+2 zeal (this_general)
+6% morale for all units (this_general_force)
+4 public order (local province)
Level 3 Rank 7 -40% resistance to foreign occupation (this_general)
Enables ability: "Presence" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
+12% morale for all units (this_general_force)
+6 public order (local province)
58 (general_warmonger_3_dread)
A dread reputation gives the strength of twenty armies.
Level 1 Rank 3 +1 zeal (this_general)
-10% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
Level 2 Rank 5 +2 zeal (this_general)
-20% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+6% weapon damage inflicted by all army units (this_general_force)
+6% missile damage inflicted by all missile units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Fear" (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +3 zeal (this_general)
-30% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+12% weapon damage inflicted by all army units (this_general_force)
+12% missile damage inflicted by all missile units (this_general_force)
Enables ability: "Fear" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Intimidate" (this_general)
59 (general_stag_3)
Admirable and noble, the embodiment of laudability.
Level 1 Rank 3 +3% charge bonus for all cavalry units (this_force)
+2% movement speed of all units (this_force)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +6% charge bonus for all cavalry units (this_force)
+4% movement speed of all units (this_force)
+4% manoeuvrability for all units (this_force)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +9% charge bonus for all cavalry units (this_force)
+6% movement speed of all units (this_force)
+8% manoeuvrability for all units (this_force)
+3 authority (this_general)
60 (general_commander_3_naval_assault)
Naval Assault
"Knowledge of naval matters is an art as much as any other."
Level 1 Rank 3 +2 experience rank(s) for assault ship recruits (this_general)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +6% melee attack skill for all assault ships (this_general_force)
+6% melee defence skill for all assault ships (this_general_force)
+3 experience rank(s) for assault ship recruits (this_general)
+2 authority (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +12% melee attack skill for all assault ships (this_general_force)
+12% melee defence skill for all assault ships (this_general_force)
+4 experience rank(s) for assault ship recruits (this_general)
+3 authority (this_general)
61 (general_strategist_3_mercenary)
Mercenary Contacts
"I can get you anyone! Archers, slingers: just name your needs!"
Level 1 Rank 3 -4% mercenary unit hiring costs (this_general)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 -8% mercenary unit hiring costs (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
-6% upkeep costs for mercenary units (this_general_force)
+15% factional mercenary replenishment (factionwide)
Level 3 Rank 7 -12% mercenary unit hiring costs (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
-12% upkeep costs for mercenary units (this_general_force)
+30% factional mercenary replenishment (factionwide)
62 (general_strategist_3_covert_action)
Covert Action
Some times it is perfectly acceptable to attack from behind.
Level 1 Rank 3 +1 cunning (this_general)
Enables night battles on land and at sea (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +10% chance of successfully launching an ambush (army only)
+10% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (army only)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Enables night battles on land and at sea (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +20% chance of successfully launching an ambush (army only)
+20% chance of anticipating an enemy ambush (army only)
+3 cunning (this_general)
Enables night battles on land and at sea (this_general)
63 (general_warmonger_3_despoil)
"I like to kill my enemies, take their gold and enjoy their women."[FEM]"I like to kill my enemies, take their gold and revel in victory."
Level 1 Rank 3 +1 zeal (this_general)
+10% income from looting settlements (this_general_force)
Level 2 Rank 5 +2 zeal (this_general)
+20% income from looting settlements (this_general_force)
+12% income from raiding (this_general_force)
+15% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
Level 3 Rank 7 Enables ability: "Pride" (this_general)
+3 zeal (this_general)
+30% income from looting settlements (this_general_force)
+24% income from raiding (this_general_force)
+30% to number of battle captives (this_general_force)
64 (general_brute_3)
Strong as a bear, alert as a fox, temperament of a boar.
Level 1 Rank 3 +4% damage for the commander's unit (this_general)
-4% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+1 authority (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +6% damage for the commander's unit (this_general)
-6% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+2 authority (this_general)
+4% melee attack skill for the commander's unit (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +8% damage for the commander's unit (this_general)
-8% morale for all enemy units (this_general_enemy_force_regionwide)
+3 authority (this_general)
+6% melee attack skill for the commander's unit (this_general)
65 (general_master_hunter_3)
Master Hunter
An arrow flies best if shot between two heartbeats.
Level 1 Rank 3 +4% morale for all units during ambush battles in forest (this_army)
+5% morale for all units during night battles in forest (this_force)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 +5% movement speed for all archer units (this_force)
+6% morale for all units during ambush battles in forest (this_army)
+10% morale for all units during night battles in forest (this_force)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 +10% movement speed for all archer units (this_force)
+8% morale for all units during ambush battles in forest (this_army)
+15% morale for all units during night battles in forest (this_force)
+3 cunning (this_general)
66 (general_sleuth_3)
Certain skills are best established among other people.
Level 1 Rank 3 -5% spy recruitment costs (local province)
+5% chance of successfully launching an ambush (local armies)
+1 cunning (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 5 -10% chance of success for hostile actions (this_general)
-10% spy recruitment costs (local province)
+10% chance of successfully launching an ambush (local armies)
Enables ability: "Taunt" (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 7 -20% chance of success for hostile actions (this_general)
-20% spy recruitment costs (local province)
+20% chance of successfully launching an ambush (local armies)
Enables ability: "Taunt" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Taunt (Group)" (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
67 (general_warmonger_4_fearless_warrior)
Fearless Warrior
Someone without fear can be a double-edged sword.
Level 1 Rank 4 +4% melee attack skill for all infantry units (this_general_force)
+4% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
+2 zeal (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 6 +8% melee attack skill for all infantry units (this_general_force)
+8% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
+5% morale for all units during battles in foreign territory (this_general_force)
+3 zeal (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 8 Enables ability: "Fighting Spirit" (this_general)
+12% melee attack skill for all infantry units (this_general_force)
+12% shots per minute for all units (this_general_force)
+10% morale for all units during battles in foreign territory (this_general_force)
+4 zeal (this_general)
68 (general_legend_4)
A person only truly dies when no longer spoken of.
Level 1 Rank 4 +4% charge bonus for all units (this_force)
+2 authority (this_general)
+5% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 6 Enables ability: "Force Concentration" (this_general)
+8% charge bonus for all units (this_force)
+5% morale for all units (this_force)
+3 authority (this_general)
+10% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 8 Enables ability: "Force Concentration" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Loyalty" (this_general)
+12% charge bonus for all units (this_force)
+10% morale for all units (this_force)
+4 authority (this_general)
+15% morale for the commander's unit (this_general)
69 (general_sentinel_4)
"Only through my death will my people be conquered!"
Level 1 Rank 4 +5% melee defence skill for all units (this_force)
Enables ability: "Second Wind (Group)" (this_general)
+2 cunning (this_general)
+1 siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_general)
Level 2 Rank 6 Enables ability: "Unity" (this_general)
+10% melee defence skill for all units (this_force)
Enables ability: "Second Wind (Group)" (this_general)
+3 cunning (this_general)
-25% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
+2 siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_general)
Level 3 Rank 8 Enables ability: "Unity" (this_general)
+15% melee defence skill for all units (this_force)
Enables ability: "Second Wind (Group)" (this_general)
Enables ability: "Stand & Fight" (this_general)
+4 cunning (this_general)
-50% attritional losses when under siege (this_general)
+3 siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports) (this_general)